
提升学校铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育的信度与效度研究 被引量:20

Improving Education Credibility and Validity of Forging the Consciousness of Community for Chinese Nation in Schools
摘要 铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育是落实新时代立德树人任务的重要要求,也是新时代学校思想政治教育工作、德育工作的重要内容之一。在当前铸牢中华民族共同体意识的教育实践中,不同程度地存在着认识上的“三个不清楚”,即不清楚铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育的具体内容应该包括什么、不清楚民族团结进步教育与铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育之间的区别、不清楚如何处理共同性与差异性的关系,这成为制约教育效果的认知障碍。同时,在教育结构性方面,存在区域不均衡、内容不全面、学段针对性不强的问题。民族团结进步教育因循“多元一体中华民族”的逻辑,突出各民族相互团结、繁荣发展的教育内容;铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育因循“统一多民族国家”的逻辑,突出各民族“四个与共”共同体理念的教育内容;两者各有侧重,又交集兼容。从一定意义上讲,民族团结进步教育的外延宽于铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育,新时代的民族团结进步教育需要围绕铸牢中华民族共同体意识这一主线,要求对原有民族团结教育在内容、目标方面实现“升级”。提升铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育的信度与效度,需要依托民族团结进步教育,需要有关部门督导改变教育实践区域不均衡、教育内容不全面等问题,还需要在教育实践中将“四个与共”的共同体理念转化为具象化、具体化的教育内容,这既是心理认知规律的要求,也是中华民族共同体意识内化为受教者的态度、情感、价值的需要。 It is not only an important requirement to carry out the task of moral education in the new era,but also an important content of ideological and political education and moral education in schools.In the current educational practice of forging consciousness of community for Chinese nation,there exist“three uncertainties”with different degrees,i.e.,not knowing the specific contents of the education of this consciousness should have,no clear difference between the education of ethnic unity and progress and the education of this consciousness,not knowing how to deal with the relationship between homogeneity and diversity.Furthermore,it becomes the cognitive barrier that restricts the effect of education.Meanwhile,in the aspect of education structure,there are some problems such as regional imbalance,incomplete content and weak pertinence.The education of ethnic unity and progress follows the logic of“pluralistic and integrated Chinese nation”,highlighting the education content of mutual unity and prosperity of all ethnic groups.The education of the consciousnessof community for Chinese nation should follow the logic of“unifying the multi-ethnic country”and highlight the education content of the concept of“four communities shared by all nationalities”.Both have different emphasis and are compatible with each other.In a sense,the extension of the education of ethnic unity and progress is wider than the education of this consciousness.The former needs to focus on the main line offorging consciousness of community for Chinese nation,which requires the original education of ethnic unity to achieve“upgrading”in terms of content and target.To improve education credibility and validity,it is necessary not only for relevant departments to supervise and change the problems of unbalanced regional education practice and incomplete education content,but also to transform the community concept of“four communities”into concrete and specific content in practice.This is not only the requirement of the law of psychological cognition,but also the need for the consciousness of community for Chinese nation to be internalized into teaching attitude,emotion and value.
作者 严庆 YAN Qing(Institute of Ethnic Theory and Ethnic Policy,Minzu University of China,Beijing,100081,PRC)
机构地区 中央民族大学
出处 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期5-13,共9页 Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 中央民族大学“铸牢中华民族共同体意识”研究专项“铸牢中华民族共同体意识的全面教育实践研究”(2021MDZL07)。
关键词 学校 铸守中华民族共同体意识 内容信度 教育效度 schools forging the consciousness of community for Chinese nation content reliability education validity
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