

The Trend and Task of Tibetan Studies in the Context of Globalization
摘要 经济一体化和政治、文化多元化是目前世界的总体特点,也是藏学研究的大背景。全球化背景和知识经济的到来,使藏学研究产生了近乎本质的变化:其一,以前的藏学研究相对封闭,而目前的藏学研究已逐步走向开放;其二,以前的藏学研究社会意识形态和政治因素突出,而目前的藏学研究在这些方面均有突破;其三,以前的藏学研究手段(尤其是信息处理和传播手段)落后,而目前的藏学研究在研究手段上可以说已经跨入了一个新的时代;其四,以前的藏学研究学科研究领域相对狭小,而现在的藏学研究几乎已涉及了所有的学科。基于全球化背景下藏学研究的新走向、新变化和新特点,藏学研究要开创新局面就必须应对全球化时代藏学面临的新情况、新变化以及这些新情况和新变化对未来藏学发展提出的新任务。亦即:一要加强藏文化资源的保护、抢救、利用与开发;二要为涉藏地区的经济建设、文化发展和国家统一稳定、民族团结进步这一大局服务;三要全面涉猎,深入提高,在学科相关领域占有领先地位和绝对优势。只有紧紧把握藏学研究的新走向和积极应对中国藏学面临的新任务,方可将藏学及其研究事业推向新的高度。 An economic integration and a multi-cultural development of politics and cultures are general characteristics of today’s world as well as the characteristics of the context into which Tibetan studies has been undertaken.The appearance of globalization and knowledge economy have caused essencial changes to Tibetan studies.Firstly,the Tibetan studies in the past was relatively closed while it has become open up gradually today;secondly,the Tibetan studies paid special attention to the social ideology and political factors in the past while today it has broken the limitations in those aspects;thirdly,the Tibetan studies in the past was quite lagged behind,particually in handling information and information media,while it has entered a new era in research means today;next,the field of Tibetan studies in the past was relatively limited while it has dealt with a wide range of nearly all disciplines at present.Due to the context of this new trend,new changes and new characteristics,it is necessary for Tibetan studies to deal with new situations in the era of globalization.New changes in the situation and development have made Tibetan studies in the future would put forward new tasks as it should strengthen the protection of Tibetan cultural resources,rescuing,using and development in the first place;second,to serve the overall situation of Tibetan economic construction and cultural development,national unity,stability and progress;third,Tibetan studies to have a leading position and absolute advantage in the corresponding fields and by grasping the new trend and on the basis of completing above new tasks,can the cause of Tibetan studies push to a high level.
作者 丹珠昂奔 昂青才让 Don-Grub-dBang-vBum;dBang-Chen-Tshe-Ring(vice chairman of the Ethnic Affairs Committee of the National People’s Congress;Qinghai University)
出处 《青海师范大学学报(藏文版)》 2022年第2期1-21,共21页 Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Tibetan language)
关键词 多元文化 藏学 全球化 Tibetan studies globalization multi-culture
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