
挥发性有机化合物在植物适应胁迫及生理生态中的作用 被引量:1

Roles of volatile organic compounds in plant adaptation to stress and physiological ecology
摘要 挥发性有机化合物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)是具有低分子量和高蒸气压的亲脂性液体。按来源划分,VOCs可分为人为源和植物源,而植物源是全球大气中VOCs的最大来源。植物VOCs释放受生物和非生物因素影响,它们在大气化学反应、人体健康和植物生理生态中具有重要作用。然而,对于植物VOCs释放受复合环境条件的影响及在生理生态方面的作用尚缺乏全面了解。本研究概述了植物VOCs的合成途径,重点阐述了单一及复合环境因素对VOCs种类及释放量的影响,同时归纳了VOCs在生理生态方面的作用。发现:植物VOCs合成途径已经明确,但其调控的分子机制有待进一步探究。昆虫啃食、高温、干旱、高二氧化碳浓度可降低组成型VOCs (如异戊二烯)释放,增加储存型VOCs (如蒎烯、柠檬烯)释放,同时诱导新的化合物(如绿叶挥发物, GLVs)合成并释放;复合环境对VOCs释放影响是复杂的,有待进一步探索。VOCs在植物防御食草动物或吸引食草动物天敌、介导植物间信号转导、抗氧化、抗旱和增强植物耐热性等方面发挥作用,未来将探究植物VOCs在生态系统中的更多作用。参96。 Volatile organic compounds(VOCs) are lipophilic liquids with low molecular weight and high vapor pressure. According to the source, VOCs can be divided into anthropogenic sources and plant sources, and plant sources are the largest source of VOCs in the global atmosphere. VOCs release from plants is obviously affected by biological and abiotic factors, which play an important role in atmospheric chemical reactions,human health and plant physiology and ecology. However, the effects of complex environmental conditions on VOCs release from plants and their physiological and ecological roles are still not fully understood. In this paper, the synthesis pathways of VOCs in plants are summarized, the effects of single and compound environmental factors on VOCs species and release amount are emphasized, and the role of VOCs in physiology and ecology is summarized. In conclusion, the synthesis pathway of VOCs in plants has been clarified, but the molecular mechanism of VOCs regulation needs to be further explored. Insect feeding, high temperature,drought and high COconcentration can reduce the release of constituent VOCs(such as isoprene), increase the release of storage VOCs(such as pinene and limonene), and induce the synthesis and release of new compounds (such as GLVs). However, the effects of complex environment on VOCs release are complex and need to be further explored. VOCs play a role in plant defense against herbivores or attracting herbivores’ natural enemies,mediating interplant signal transduction, anti-oxidation, drought resistance and enhancing plant heat resistance,etc. It is predicted that more roles of plant VOCs in ecosystem will be explored in the future. [Ch, 96 ref.]
作者 胡书婧 张汝民 HU Shujing;ZHANG Rumin(Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Forest Aromatic Plants-based Healthcare Functions,Zhejiang A&F University,Hangzhou 311300,Zhejiang,China;State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Silviculture,Zhejiang A&F University,Hangzhou 311300,Zhejiang,China)
出处 《浙江农林大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1378-1387,共10页 Journal of Zhejiang A&F University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31470704)。
关键词 植物 VOCs 生物合成 生物因素 非生物因素 综述 plant VOCs biosynthesis biotic factors abiotic factors review
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