
普惠性托育服务的国际比较及中国路径实现选择 被引量:9

International Comparison of Inclusive Childcare Service and Chinese Path Choice
摘要 托育服务是家庭内部照料无法发挥作用时,向0~3岁婴幼儿家庭提供的具有育儿功能的公共服务机制。托育服务的普惠性旨在让每一个婴幼儿家庭“幼有所育”,不仅强调每个婴幼儿共享福利,机会均等,还强调服务价格可承受、服务质量有保障。在三孩生育政策提出的背景下,发展普惠性托育服务不仅是完善生育配套政策的有效手段,更是新时代重大民生工程。文章基于福利多元主义理论,将托育服务的主体划分为政府、市场、社区和家庭。并从托育服务的四大主体出发,分析我国托育服务存在的困境:政府对托育服务扶持力度较弱;市场追求利润与服务注重普惠存在冲突;社区主体性缺失参与不明显;家庭照料有限且供需不匹配。纵观世界其他国家托育服务的发展,普惠性托育服务的重要性已成为普遍共识,福利国家的婴幼儿托育服务起步较早,且多数国家都建立了覆盖婴幼儿照护各个阶段的政策支持系统,自由主义福利体制的英国、保守主义福利体制的德国、社会民主主义福利体制的瑞典和东亚福利体系的日本的托育服务在政策保障、财政支持、管理监督、服务类型和人才供给等不同方面形成了各自独特的先进经验,有效保障了婴幼儿权益,促进家庭与社会的平衡发展。借鉴国际托育服务经验,结合我国国情,构建不同主体相互合作的托育服务体系:发挥国家主导作用,优化托育服务政策环境;确定市场重要作用,增强托育服务供给能力;提高社区调节作用,确保托育服务普遍获得,重视家庭基础作用,积极转变育儿方式。为我国制度规范化、内容层次化、对象普惠化、供给多元化的托育服务体系提供路径选择。 Childcare service is a public service mechanism with childcare functions provided to families with infants and toddlers aged 0-3 years when internal family care cannot function.The inclusive nature of childcare service aims to give every infant and toddler family“a place to raise their children”,emphasizing not only shared benefits and equal opportunities for every infant and toddler,but also affordable and quality-assured services.In the context of the three-child birth policy,the development of inclusive childcare service is not only an effective means to improve the birth support policy,but also a major livelihood project in the new era.Based on the theory of welfare pluralism,the thesis classifies the subjects of childcare service into government,market,community and family.It also analyzes the dilemmas of childcare service in China from the four main subjects of childcare service:the government’s support for childcare service is weak,the market’s pursuit of profits conflicts with the service focusing on universality,the community’s lack of subjectivity and participation is not obvious,and family care is limited and the supply and demand do not match.Looking at the development of childcare service in other countries around the world,there is a general consensus on the importance of inclusive childcare service.Welfare countries started early with childcare service,and most of them have established policy support systems covering all stages of childcare,including the United Kingdom with its liberal welfare system,Germany with its conservative welfare system,Sweden with its social-democratic welfare system,and Japan with its East Asian welfare system have developed their own unique and advanced experiences in different aspects such as policy protection,financial support,management supervision,types of services and talent supply,which effectively protect the rights and interests of infants and children and promote the balanced development of families and society.Drawing on the international experience of childcare service and taking into account China’s national conditions,we will build a childcare service system in which different actors cooperate with each other:playing the leading role of the state to optimize the policy environment of childcare service;determining the important role of the market to enhance the supply capacity of childcare service;improving the role of community regulation to ensure universal access to childcare service;and attaching importance to the basic role of the family to actively change the way of childcare.To provide options for a childcare service system with standardized system,hierarchical content,universal target and diversified supply in China.
作者 陈建梅 刘子荣 CHEN Jian-mei;LIU Zi-rong(School of Finance and Public Management,Harbin University of Commerce,Harbin 150028,China)
出处 《西安财经大学学报》 CSSCI 2022年第6期50-62,共13页 Journal of Xi’an University of Finance and Economics
基金 黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划项目“老龄化与人口流失双重冲击下黑龙江省有效劳动供给研究”(21RKB100) 黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划项目“新就业形态中劳动基准保障的实现路径研究”(21JYE403) 黑龙江省社会科学重点课题《十八大以来黑龙江省民生保障历史成就及发展前景研究》,课题号21SHA015。
关键词 三孩生育政策 托育服务 0~3岁婴幼儿 普惠性托育服务 the three child fertility policy childcare and services infants aged 0~3 years inclusive childcare service
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