

On-board time-sensitive network scheduling algorithm based on gate control
摘要 空间信息网络中时间敏感业务的实时性、确定性和可靠性要求对基于存储转发方式的传统以太网交换提出巨大挑战。提出一种基于门控制的星载时间敏感网络调度算法,设计星载时间敏感网络交换方案;针对卫星业务突发的特点,提出一种基于时分复用的门控制列表生成方法,对该调度算法在不同业务流量特征背景下的确定性时延及时延抖动性能进行仿真分析。仿真结果表明,所提算法的最小时延减小至10μs量级,最小时延抖动为0,满足空间时间时敏业务的确定性传输要求,提高了空间信息网络业务传输的确定性、可靠性、灵活性。 The real-time, deterministic and reliability requirements of time-sensitive services in spatial information networks pose a huge challenge to traditional ethernet switching based on store-andforward. An on-board time-sensitive network scheduling algorithm based on gate control is proposed,and a spatial deterministic ethernet switching scheme is designed. Aiming at the characteristics of satellite service burst, a gate control list generation method based on time division multiplexing is proposed, and the deterministic delay and delay jitter performance of the scheduling algorithm in the context of different traffic flows are simulated and analyzed. The simulation results show that the minimum delay of the proposed algorithm is reduced to the order of 10 μs, and the minimum delay jitter is 0, which meets the deterministic transmission requirements of space time-sensitive services and improves the deterministic, reliability, and flexibility of spatial information network service transmission.
作者 崔涛 黎军 李琪 李静玲 梁薇 张怡 CUI Tao;LI Jun;LI Qi;LI Jingling;LIANG Wei;ZHANG Yi(National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Space Microwave,China Academy of Space Technology(Xi'an),Xi'an Shaanxi 710100,China)
出处 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》 2022年第11期1150-1155,1162,共7页 Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology
基金 国家重点实验室稳定支持基金资助项目(HTKJ2020KL504010,HTKJ2021KL504006) 国家重点实验室基金资助项目(6142411192205)。
关键词 门控制 时间敏感 以太网 调度 确定性 gate control time-sensitive ethernet scheduling deterministic
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