
牙周炎与不良妊娠结局相关关系的研究进展 被引量:2

Research progress of the relationship between periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes
摘要 牙周炎是由牙周致病菌感染引起的慢性炎症性疾病,在妊娠妇女中更容易发生。不良妊娠结局是新生儿围产期死亡的重要原因,受机体全身炎症的影响。该文主要对牙周炎与不良妊娠结局的相关性进行阐述,进一步从阴道感染、菌血症、免疫炎症和肠道菌群方面对其机制进行探讨,并简述了牙周炎与不良妊娠结局共有的宿主易感性遗传背景,以期为临床上预防妊娠期牙周病和不良妊娠结局提供一定的理论指导。 Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by periodontal pathogen infection, which is more likely to occur in pregnant women. Adverse pregnancy outcome is an important cause for perinatal death of newborn, which is affected by systemic inflammation. This paper expounds the correlation between periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes, further explores its mechanism from aspects of vaginal infection, bacteremia, immune inflammation, and intestinal flora, and briefly describes host′s susceptibility to periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes in genetic background, in order to provide theoretical guidance for the prevention of periodontal diseases in pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes in clinical practice.
作者 白雪 高晋华 任秀云 BAI Xue;GAO Jinhua;REN Xiuyun(Department of Periodontics,School of Stomatology and Stomatological Hospital,Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China)
出处 《口腔医学》 CAS 2022年第10期932-937,共6页 Stomatology
基金 国家自然科学基金(81271144) 山西省科学技术厅中央引导地方科技发展基金项目(YDZX20201400001131) 山西省“1331”工程重点创新团队建设计划(TD201809) 山西省重点研发计划项目(201903D321118)。
关键词 牙周炎 不良妊娠结局 牙龈卟啉单胞菌 机制 periodontitis adverse pregnancy outcome Porphyromonas gingivalis mechanism
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