
地形对InSAR相干性的影响分析 被引量:1

Influence of Topographic Features on InSAR Coherence
摘要 SAR(合成孔径雷达)影像的干涉相干性是干涉性能的本质表现,也是SAR卫星成像质量最直接的衡量标准,是SAR数据最重要的质量评价指标之一。为研究SAR影像相干性与地形特征之间的关系,选取了两景ALOS PALSAR影像作为实验数据,两景数据的拍摄时间分别是2009年8月6日和2009年9月21日,选取了不同的地形对其相干性进行了计算与统计,分析了相干性与地形坡度之间的关系。结果表明,相干性与地形坡度紧密相关,地形坡度增大,相干性减小,且随着坡度的不断增大,相干性迅速减小。 The interference coherence of SAR is the essential performance of interference performance and the most direct measure of InSAR imaging quality.It is one of the most important quality evaluation indexes of SAR data.In order to study the relationship between SAR coherence and topographic features,two-scene PALSAR images were selected as experimental data,and the shooting time of two-scene data were August 6,2009 and September 21,2009 respectively,the coherence of different terrain is analyzed,and the relationship between coherence and slope is studied.The results show that the coherence is closely related to the slope of the terrain,and the coherence decreases with the increase of the terrain slope.With the increase of the slope,the coherence decreases sharply.
作者 王亚男 王宗伟 张汛 WANG Ya-nan;WANG Zong-wei;ZHANG Xun(Jiangsu Province Surveying&Mapping Engineering Institute,Nanjing Jiangsu 210013,China)
出处 《现代测绘》 2022年第4期37-38,61,共3页 Modern Surveying and Mapping
基金 测绘地理信息公益性行业科研专项经费项目“国产InSAR卫星指标论证与仿真技术”。
关键词 INSAR 信噪比 相干性 地形坡度 InSAR signal to noise ratio coherence terrain gradient
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