森林、草原、湿地等陆地生态系统具有固碳增汇功能,且陆地碳库约为大气碳库的3倍。联合国环境规划署(United Nations Environment Programme,UNEP)和世界自然保护联盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature,IUCN)指出,基于自然的解决方案(Nature-based Solution,NbS)通过提升生态系统的碳汇能力,在2030年前可实现每年二氧化碳减排量和清除量共50亿t,保守估计到2050年可实现100亿t。
In this new era,we should strengthen the protection of forest resources and sustainable and multi-functional forest management,increase the total stocking volume of planted forests while improving the quality and efficiency of planted forest ecosystem to help achieve carbon peaking and neutrality goals.The only way to achieve high-sequestration carbon sink forestry is to keep the forest ecosystems in the most ideal state for maximum growing stock volume and the highest carbon sequestration,and maintain a forestry development model that could maintain a high capture of carbon sink in the long term.
Ecological Civilization World