
提高骨科NSAIDs使用合理率的品管圈实践 被引量:1

Practice of Quality Control Circle in Improving the Rational Use Rate of Orthopedic NSAIDs
摘要 目的 探讨品管圈活动在提高骨科NSAIDs使用合理率的应用效果。方法 选取2021年1~9月我院骨科使用NSAIDs的住院患者为研究对象,于2021年4月成立品管圈,通过品管圈活动查找分析骨科使用NSAIDs不合理的原因并进行改进,对比分析品管圈实施前、后NSAIDs使用情况。结果 品管圈活动实施后,骨科NSAIDs使用不合理率由40.67%下降至16.50%,差异具有统计学意义(P <0.001),目标达成率为105.27%,进步率为59.43%。另外,患者平均爆发痛次数由2.43次下降至1.33次,NSAIDs使用强度由207.97下降至113.36。结论 品管圈活动有效提高骨科NSAIDs使用合理率,同时可提高患者满意度,提升医生合理使用NSAIDs意识和知识,规范骨科患者术后疼痛处理制度和流程。 OBJECTIVE To explore the application effect of quality control circle activities in improving the rational use rate of NSAIDs in orthopedics.METHODS Select the inpatients who used NSAIDs in the orthopedics department of our hospital from January to September 2021 as the research object,establish the quality control circle in April 2021,find and analyze the reasons for the unreasonable use of NSAIDs in the orthopedics department through the activities of the quality control circle,make improvement,and compare and analyze the use of NSAIDs before and after the implementation of the quality control circle.RESULTS After the implementation of quality control circle,the unreasonable use rate of orthopaedic NSAIDs decreased from 40.67% to 16.50%,the difference was statistically significant( P < 0.001),the target achievement rate was 105.27%,and the progress rate was 59.43%.In addition,the average number of pain outbreaks decreased from 2.43 to 1.33,and the AUD of NSAIDs decreased from 207.97to 113.36.CONCLUSION Quality control circle activities can effectively improve the rational use rate of orthopaedic NSAIDs,improve patient satisfaction,enhance doctors’ awareness and knowledge of rational use of NSAIDs,and standardize the postoperative pain treatment system and process of orthopaedic patients.
作者 肖伯安 董红蕊 郑雪琼 XIAO Bo-an;DONG Hong-rui;ZHENG Xue-qiong(The Fifth Affiliated Hospital,Southern Medical University,Guangzhou 510900,China)
出处 《海峡药学》 2022年第10期144-147,共4页 Strait Pharmaceutical Journal
关键词 品管圈 NSAIDS 合理用药 疼痛 Quality control circle NSAIDs Rational drug use Pain
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