

Using the Izhikevich Model to Explore the Firing Characteristics of Neuronal Action Potentials
摘要 不同种类的神经元拥有不同类型的离子通道,离子通道的开放和关闭可以产生不同形状、频率和模式的动作电位。对动作电位的发放特性进行探究,将为生物神经系统的硬件设备开发、脑机接口技术研发等提供机理层面上的支持。采用Matlab软件,利用Izhikevich尖峰神经元模型,考察刺激电流的类型、静息膜电位和膜恢复变量等因素对神经元发放动作电位的影响。研究发现:改变静息膜电位的数值,并不影响动作电位的发放频率;增大膜恢复变量的数值,会使动作电位的发放数量增多,但仍不影响各簇动作电位的发放频率,且膜恢复变量越大,动作电位发放时间越早;在不同类型的电流刺激下,改变静息膜电位和膜恢复变量不会对动作电位的发放特性产生影响。 Different kinds of neurons have different types of ion channels,and the opening and closing of ion channels can produce action potentials with different shapes,frequencies and patterns.Exploring the firing characteristics of action potentials will provide mechanism support for the development of hardware equipment and R&D of brain-computer interface technology for biological nervous systems.By using the Matlab software and Izhikevich spiking neuronal model,the effects of stimulation current types,resting membrane potentials and membrane recovery variables on the firing action potentials from neurons were investigated.Findings:changing the value of resting membrane potentials does not affect the firing frequency of action potentials;increasing the value of membrane recovery variables will increase the firing amount of action potentials,but it still does not affect the firing frequency of action potentials in each cluster;the larger the membrane recovery variable is,the earlier the action potentials are fired;under different types of current stimulation,changing the resting membrane potentials and membrane recovery variables will not affect the firing characteristics of action potentials.
作者 刘佳琦 袁鸣 曲秀荣 周胜 LIU Jiaqi;YUAN Ming;QU Xiurong;ZHOU Sheng(School of Physics and Electronic Engineering,Harbin Normal University,Harbin 150025,China)
出处 《工业技术创新》 2022年第5期100-107,共8页 Industrial Technology Innovation
关键词 离子通道 Izhikevich尖峰神经元模型 动作电位 MATLAB 膜恢复变量 Ion Channel Izhikevich Spiking Neuronal Model Action Potential Matlab Membrane Recovery Variable
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