Hongchaojiang reservoir, in southern Guangxi Province, provides flood protection, hydropower, irrigation, fishery resources and recreation. In this study, we explored the characteristics of phytoplankton functional groups as well as their relationship with the physiochemical factors of the water in Hongchaojiang reservoir. The objectives were to understand the structure and function of the reservoir ecosystem and provide theoretical support for evaluating and managing water quality in Hongchaojiang reservoir. In June 2018(summer) and January 2019(winter), a field investigation of phytoplankton functional groups and physiochemical parameters of the water was conducted at 9 sampling sites representing the upper,middle and lower reaches of Hongchaojiang reservoir. Total phosphorus(TP) levels were low and the N/P ratio was as high as 200, indicating that P is the limiting nutrient. The average water temperature was30.5℃ in summer and 13.6℃ in winter. Levels of nitrate nitrogen(NO3-N),ammonium nitrogen(NH-N), dissolved oxygen(DO) and Secchi depth(SD) in summer were significantly lower than in winter. A total of 59 phytoplankton genera from 7 classes and 17 functional groups were identified during the investigation. The dominant functional groups were Sn, P, Lm, Lo, Y and H, and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii(aka Raphidiopsis raciborskii) in the Sn functional group was the most dominant species in the reservoir. High temperature, high turbidity and a P-limited environment were the primary factors resulting in the dominance, and for summer blooms of C. raciborskii. Microcystis sp. of Lm functional group was co-dominant with C. raciborskii at S3 and S9, indicating the presence of intense competition between the two cyanobacteria species. Other dominant species, including Peridinium(Lo), Cryptomonas(Y),Anabeana(H) and Melosira sp.(P) indicate a mesotrophic to eutrophic environment and their percentages of total biomass were higher in winter than in summer. Pearson correlation and redundancy analysis show that turbidity, CODMn, TN, NH-N, DO and transparency were the primary environmental parameters affecting the distribution of most functional groups. Among these parameters, turbidity and CODMnwere positively correlated with functional group density, while TN,NH-N, DO and transparency were negatively correlated with the density of most functional groups. According to the composition of phytoplankton functional groups in Hongchaojiang reservoir, we concluded that the trophic status of Hongchaojiang reservoir was mesotrophic-eutrophic, and the potentially toxic C. raciborskii and Microcystis,with absolute dominance, threaten water quality safety.
TANG Hui-juan;LIU Pei-qing;WU Jie-li;LIAO Hong-ping;HE An-you(College of Marine Sciences,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510640,P.R.China;Guangxi Academy of Fisheries Science,Guangxi Key Laboratory of Aquatic Genetic Breeding and Healthy Aquaculture,Nanning 530021,P.R.China;Service Center in Bureau of Agricultural and Rural Affairs of Nansha District,Guangzhou,Nansha 511455,P.R.China)
Journal of Hydroecology
phytoplankton functional group
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii
physiochemical factors
Hongchaojiang reservoir