长胶带输送机是工业生产中不可或缺的运输工具,如果长胶带输送机发生故障将造成不必要的损失。针对长胶带输送机的跑偏故障,可以利用图像处理技术对长胶带输送机运行轨迹进行实时分析,精准预警。首先通过图像采集模块获取长胶带输送机的运行图像,图像采集之后被传送到数字信号处理(Digital Signal Process,DSP)图像处理模块;其次图像处理模块对图像进行预处理,对图像进行分割得到所需的图像,并提取出图像的直线特征,通过网络通信将提取的数据发送给服务器后台;最后是预警模块,服务器后台会将运行轨迹的数据和正常运行时的数据进行对比,如果数据异常将会通过小程序进行故障预警,同时会将故障日志写入到数据库中。
The long tape conveyor is an indispensable transportation tool in industrial production, and if the long tape conveyor fails it will cause unnecessary losses. The image processing technology can be used to analyze the running trajectory of the long tape conveyor in real time and provide accurate warning for the runout failure of the long tape conveyor. Firstly, the image acquisition module acquires the running image of the long tape conveyor, and after the image acquisition, it is sent to the Digital Signal Process(DSP) image processing module. Finally, the early warning module will compare the data of the trajectory with the data of the normal operation, and if the data is abnormal, it will warn the failure through the applet and write the failure log to the database.
MO Daosheng(Sinoma(Suzhou)Construction Co.,Ltd.,Kunshan Jiangsu 215300,China)
Information & Computer