
科学技术体系化动力机制及技术科学知识的八个来源 被引量:4

Dynamic Mechanism of Science and Technology Systematization and Eight Sources of Knowledge on Technological Sciences
摘要 技术科学化和科学技术化的内涵是变化的,在二者的相向拓展中,现代科学技术体系化仍在迅速发展,其动力表现出科学技术化和技术科学化的循环增强机制、在学科交叉与综合中形成更密切的网络连接机制、学科间的对应关联机制、通用使能技术的促进加速机制、追求科学统一的促进机制等特征。20世纪中叶以来,在技术科学(包括技性科学)快速发展的带动下,现代科学技术体系越来越成为一个不可分割的整体,关联性、系统性不断加强,且在这个系统中,技术科学又承担着中介连接、纽带桥梁作用,技术科学成为体系发展和知识增长的主导力量。技术科学知识的来源呈现多样性,包括以下8个来源:基础科学原理的启示、理论延伸、方法借鉴与成果的转化应用;传统技术中的潜在理论向科学的转化;技术生产实践中的经验总结;学科间的交叉互动、交流借鉴;现代技性科学的累积发展与自我增强;人工智能等技术进步引发的知识自动化;地方性知识;数学化和数据化等方面。伴随着技性科学学科的迅猛崛起,以生命科技特别是基因科技、新一代信息科技特别是人工智能科技为代表的新兴科技发展的巨大不确定性风险大幅度增加,而人类还未找到有效的风险防控办法,值得各方高度重视。 The connotation of technological scientization and scientific technicalization is changing. So far, the technological scientization has at least two meanings: firstly, the scientization of technology development path which has promoted the birth and development of a large number of technical science disciplines;the second is the application of science. The scientific technicalization also includes two meanings: firstly, what the academia calls technical science refers to the technicalization of laboratory scientific research means;the second is techosciences and its development. In the opposite expansion of technological scientization and scientific technicalization, the systematization of modern science and technology is still developing rapidly,and its development dynamic mechanism shows the new characteristics of the circular cumulation and its enhancement mechanism of technological scientization and scientific technicalization, the more closely connected network mechanism constructed in the cross and integration of disciplines, the corresponding correlation mechanism between disciplines, the promotion and acceleration mechanism of universal enabling technologies, and the promotion mechanism of pursuing scientific unity.Since the middle of the 20th century, driven by the rapid development of technological science(including techosciences), the modern science and technology system has increasingly become an indivisible whole. The overall relevance and systematicness have been constantly strengthened. In this system, technological science plays the role of medium connection and bridge. Technological science has become the leading force for system development and knowledge growth. The sources of knowledge on technological science are diversified. There are eight sources: the enlightenment of basic scientific principles, theoretical extension, method reference and the transformation and application of scientific achievements;the potential theory in traditional technology is transformed into science;the experience summary in technical production practice;the interdisciplinary interaction, exchange and reference;the cumulative development and self enhancement of modern technological science and techosciences;the knowledge automation caused by technological progress such as artificial intelligence;the local knowledge;the mathematization and big data, etc. With the rapid rise of the science of technology, the huge uncertainty risks brought by the emerging techosciences represented by life science and technology, especially gene science and technology, and the new generation of information technology,especially artificial intelligence science and technology, have risen significantly. Human beings have not yet found effective risk prevention and control methods, which deserves high attention from all parties.This paper also puts forward three policy implications for China’s construction of the world powerful nation of science and technology: firstly, we need vigorously develop technological sciences to promote the systematic efficiency and effective governance of modern science and technology;secondly we need to develop basic science and promote the promotion of the circulation level from science and technology to industry;thirdly, we should combine and use multiple sources of innovation to solve major technological and scientific problems. In particular, we should use multiple sources of knowledge innovation to find solutions from different paths, and solve the constraints of "choke" key core technologies such as chips and basic materials on the efficiency of the industrial innovation system, so as to enhance the overall competitiveness of China’s scientific and technological system.
作者 李春成 Li Chuncheng(Tianjin Society of Dialectics of Nature,Tianjin 300250,China)
出处 《创新科技》 2022年第11期12-21,共10页 Innovation science and technology
关键词 科学技术 体系化 动力机制 技术科学 知识来源 science and technology systematization dynamic mechanism technical sciences sources of knowledge
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