

Research on Abrasion Prediction of Metro Vehicles Wheel Set Based on Multi Factor Correlation Analysis
摘要 随着地铁车辆运维管理水平的提升,传统的轮对定期计划修和故障修逐渐向状态修转变,本研究以地铁车辆轮对外形尺寸日常检测数据和轮对镟修作业记录数据为基础,综合考虑诸多因素对轮对磨损量的影响,引入Pearson相关系数研究各因素对轮对磨损量的影响程度,建立地铁车辆轮对磨耗量预测模型,进行基于数据的多因素影响磨损预测,指导地铁运营单位,合理生产安排运营镟修工作,提高地铁车辆轮对维修效率,提高地铁运营单位经济效益。 With the improvement of the operation and maintenance management level of metro vehicles,the traditional scheduled maintenance and breakdown maintenance are gradually changing to condition based maintenance.Based on the daily dimensions sense data and the record data of wheel set lathing operations,This study comprehensively considered the impact of many factors on the wear of wheel sets,and introduced Pearson correlation coefficient to study the impact of various factors on the wear of wheel sets,established the wear prediction model of metro vehicle wheelsets,predict the wear of multiple factors based on data,guide the metro operation units reasonably arrange the operation and lathing work,improve the maintenance efficiency of metro vehicle wheelsets,and improve the economic benefits of metro operation units.
作者 刘继永 杜敏杰 王玉鑫 LIU Ji-Yong;DU Min-Jie;WANG Yu-Xin(China Machinery Huanyu Certification and Inspection Co.,Ltd.,Beijing102600,China)
出处 《机电产品开发与创新》 2022年第6期76-79,87,共5页 Development & Innovation of Machinery & Electrical Products
基金 国家重点研发计划项目“轨道交通装备运行质量检验监测科技服务技术研发与应用”下课题“轨道交通装备及关键零部件运行安全寿命评估体系研究”(2019YFB1405402)。
关键词 运维管理 相关性分析 磨耗量预测 Operation and maintenance management Correlation analysis Abrasion prediction
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