
我国人事档案管理法制化过程中的权利确证与功能转向 被引量:7

Right Confirmation and Function Turning in the Process of Legalization of Personnel Archives Management in China
摘要 人事档案是个人历史信息和现实信息的浓缩性记录,具有个人信息的静态和动态两个核心特征,属于应受法律保护的个人信息范畴。作为公法管理体制下单位管控的路径依赖,我国封闭性、内向型的人事档案管理制度在体制转轨后并未完成自身功能的转向,长期存在档案主体信息自决权缺失、档案主体权利体系尚未形成、制度功能失范、法律纠纷凸显等现实困境。基于现阶段我国人事档案“重管控、轻使用”的制度事实,未来人事档案管理制度法制化的改革重点在于引入档案主体信息自决权,依法构建并保障档案主体的各项权利,进而走上数字化和社会化道路。在信息自决权的基础上,应依据人事档案的特性,构建相应的档案主体所应享有的具体权利体系。各类人事档案应由依法承担社会职能的人事档案管理机构统一管理,用人单位和档案主体可以各自保留相应备份进行合理使用。人事档案上的人格权益应通过确立档案主体知情、查阅、复制、转移、更正、补充、删除、请求说明等权利进行保障,但档案主体和管理机构对人事档案数据不应享有财产利益。 Personnel archives are brief records of historical and current personal information. They are both static and dynamic at the same time, and should be protected by law. In China, personnel archives are in the hands of employers under the public law administration system. This closed personnel archives administration system has not completed its function transformation after the institution transition. For a long time, we are confronted with many predicaments: people do not have the right to self-determination of their personal information;the subject right system has yet to take form;the institution and system do not work well;legal disputes increase. Given the fact that control is stressed over use in personnel archive administration, the reform in this regard should prioritize introducing self-determination of personal information, recognizing and protecting the rights of archive holders in obedience to the law,and make personnel archive administration digitized and socialized. On the basis of self-determination of personal information, specific rights should be entitled to personnel archive holders according to the characteristics of the archives. All kinds of personnel archives should be legally administered by personnel archive administration institutions of social functions, and employers and personnel archive holders can keep some copies of the archive for proper use. We should ensure the rights and interests to personnel archive holders. They should be entitled to know what is in their archive, access, copy and transfer their archive, correct, supplement, and delete information in the archive, and request explanation. But personnel archive holders and administration institutions do not enjoy property interests on personnel archives.
作者 郑尚元 王昭 ZHENG Shang-yuan;WANG Zhao(Law School of Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084)
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期82-92,共11页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“养老保险立法研究”(18AFX024)。
关键词 人事档案 单位管控 个人信息权益保护 法制化 数字化 社会化 personnel archive employer control personal information rights protection legalization digitization socialization
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