

Software Diversity Evaluation Method Based on Multi-granularity Features
摘要 针对现有软件多样性评估方法普遍采用单一特征,无法准确表征软件特性进而导致评估准确度较低的问题,提出了一种基于多粒度特征的软件多样性评估方法。该方法从程序的指令、函数、基本块、二进制文件4个粒度进行分析,首先通过小素数乘积法、动态权重分配等算法获取不同粒度的差异度特征,然后根据差异度分析该粒度的多样性,进而探讨多样化技术的有效性。实验部分采用GNU核心程序集,对指令替换、控制流平坦、伪控制流、NOP插入等7种软件多样化方法进行了综合评估,分析了不同软件多样化方法对不同粒度的特征带来的差异程度和多样性,验证了评估算法的适用性。实验结果表明,该评估方法能够从纵向和横向两个方向对软件多样化方法的有效性进行准确评估,对后续多样化技术的研究具有参考价值。 Aiming at the problem that existing software diversity evaluation methods generally adopt single feature,a software diversity evaluation method based on multi-granularity feature is proposed.This method analyzes four granularity of program:instruction,function,basic block and binary file.First,different granularity are obtained by small prime product method and dyna-mic weight distribution algorithm.Then,the granularity is analyzed according to the effectiveness of diversification technology.In the experimental part,GNU coreutils is used to comprehensively evaluate 7 software diversification methods.The result is analyzed to verify the applicability of the evaluation algorithm.Experimental results show that this evaluation method can accurately evaluate the effectiveness of software diversification methods from both vertical and horizontal directions,which has reference value for the research direction of subsequent diversification technology.
作者 迟宇宁 郭云飞 王亚文 扈红超 CHI Yu-ning;GUO Yun-fei;WANG Ya-wen;HU Hong-chao(Institution of Scientific and Technical Information,People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University,Zhengzhou 450001,China)
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期118-124,共7页 Computer Science
基金 国家重点研发计划(2021YFB1006200,2021YFB1006201) 国家自然科学基金(62072467)。
关键词 软件多样化 多粒度特征 多样性分析 小素数乘积法 量化评估 Software diversity Multi-granularity feature Diversity analysis Prime product method Quantitative evaluation
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