

Yi-jian and Ti-yong:Focusing on the Change of Thought in the Interpretation of Yi-jian
摘要 在易学哲学史上,学者们对《系辞》中“易”“简”的思想诠释几经变迁。首先,汉唐注家往往将“易”“简”解为“无为之道”,并将其视作对乾坤体性的摹状;而朱子认为“易”“简”更偏向“动用”一端。从《系辞》本义来看,“易”“简”分说不能简单地从“静体”和“动用”的角度来理解,“易”指乾以动为本,但同时又兼虚静;“简”指坤以虚静为本,并兼动实。而“易简”合说又是对生生道体的摹状。其次,《易纬·乾凿度》提出了“虚无感动”说,易简的“道体”义被进一步强化。但此道体也不应以“体用”论之,所谓虚静、昭著只是易简之德的不同面向。最后,现当代新儒家对“易简”的讨论可视为易简诠释的新发展,其中蕴含着超越体用论并进一步推进“易简”讨论的可能。 In the history of Yijing philosophy, the interpretation of the thought of yi(plainness) and jian(simplicity) experienced several changes. First, commentators in the Han-Tang(206 BCE-907 CE) period used to interpret “yi” and “jian” as the way of non-action and regarded them as a simulation of the nature of Qian [■, The Creative, 1] and Kun [■, The Receptive, 2]. However, Zhu Xi(1130-1200) believed that “yi” and “jian” are more inclined to the side of dynamic and functioning. In the context of the original meaning in the Xici zhuan(Commentary on the Appended Phrases), the respectively discussed “yi” and “jian” cannot be simply defined as “static ti(conceptual body)” and “dynamic yong(function)”. “Yi” is attributed to Qian in regard to movement but it also connotes void and stillness at the same time;“jian” is attributed to Kun in respect to void and stillness but it also contains meanings of movement and substance. The combination of “yi” and “jian” is a description of the conceptual body of sheng sheng(ceaseless producing). Second, the “Qian zaodu”(Opening Up the Regularities of the Hexagram Qian) chapter in the Yiwei(Apocrypha of the Changes) puts forward the theory that “xu and wu(void and non-actuality) could initiate movement through stimulus and response”;thus the meaning of yi-jian as the “conceptual body of Dao” was further strengthened. However, the body of Dao should not be discussed in the dimension of “ti(conceptual body)-yong(function)” in that the so-called void, stillness and manifestation are but different aspects of the virtue of yi-jian. Finally, the discussion of yi-jian by modern and contemporary Neo-Confucians can be regarded as a new development of the interpretation of yi-jian, which contains the possibility of surpassing the theory of ti-yong and further promoting the discussion of yi-jian.
作者 苏杭 SU Hang
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期68-78,共11页 Studies of Zhouyi
关键词 易简 体用 乾坤动静 《乾凿度》 yi-jian ti-yong movement and stillness of Qian-Kun Qian zaodu
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  • 1熊十力.《尊闻录》,见《熊十力全集》第一卷,武汉:湖北教育出版社.2001年版,第605页.
  • 2熊十力.《尊闻录》,第605-608页.
  • 3熊十力.《唯识论》,见《熊十力全集》第一卷,第541-542页.
  • 4《马一浮集》第二册,杭州:浙江古籍出版社,浙江教育出版社.1996年版,第522-523页.
  • 5《熊十力论学语札》,见《熊十力全集》第八卷,武汉:湖北教育出版社.2001年版,第387页.
  • 6王夫之.《周易外传》,见《船山全书》第一册,长沙:岳麓书社.1988年版,第862页.
  • 7熊十力.《熊十力论学语札》,第391页.
  • 8.《马一浮集》第二册[M].浙江古籍出版社、浙江教育出版社,1996年.第466页.
  • 9熊十力.《十力论学语辑略》[A]..《熊十力全集》:第二卷[C].湖北教育出版社,2001年.第252页.
  • 101940年马一浮掌复性书院于四川乐山,曾有《寄怀万慧法师仰光》七律一首:"不隔灵光莫系风,梦中流转尚飘蓬.寄书金色拈花侣,可忆西湖卖酱翁.无舌人来应解语,吹毛剑在任挥空.六牙白象何时见,欲问瞿昙那一通."而当得到慧法师的书信后,马一浮欣喜若狂,立成五律作答:"片羽来鸡足,高轩忆桂林.干戈成间阻,衰病益愁吟.喜得支公讯,如闻海上琴.嘉君方外趣,识我故园心."(两诗分别见《马一浮集》第三册,第93、111页)









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