
财政补贴分配方式变革能促进企业创新吗? 被引量:5

Can the change in distribution method of financial subsidy promote enterprise innovation?
摘要 本文基于全国税收调查数据,将财政专项资金竞争性分配改革作为准自然实验,使用双重差分法考察竞争性财政补贴分配方式对企业创新的影响。研究结果表明:相比于传统的财政补贴分配方式,竞争性财政补贴分配方式能够更好地激励企业创新,并且这种激励作用具有持久性。竞争性财政补贴分配方式通过“挑选效应”和“认证效应”两种机制激励企业创新。进一步分析表明:以GDP为主的绩效考核压力会削弱竞争性财政补贴分配方式的创新激励作用,市场化水平提高能够增强竞争性财政补贴分配方式的创新激励作用,财政专项资金竞争性分配改革对中小企业创新激励作用更为明显。 The government′s rational distribution of financial subsidy to inspire enterprise innovation is an important path to realize the transformation of economic growth from factor-driven economy to innovation-driven economy. However, during the implementation of China′s financial subsidy policy, rent-seeking and fraudulent compensation problems have emerged. How to optimize the financial subsidy policy and improve the efficiency of the use of financial subsidy is an urgent problem to be solved. Based on the existing literature, this paper discusses the impact and mechanism of financial subsidy on enterprise innovation from the perspective of distribution of financial subsidy.Based on the 2010-2015 national taxation survey data, this paper takes the reform of the competitive distribution of specific financial funds as a quasi-natural experiment, and uses the difference-in-difference method to examine the impact of competitive distribution procedure on enterprise innovation. The competitive distribution procedure means to transform the distribution of financial subsidy from one-to-one to one-to-many. The results show that, compared with the traditional distribution procedure, the competitive distribution procedure can better stimulate enterprise innovation. The average innovation investment will increase by 286,310 yuan, and the innovation intensity(the proportion of innovation investment in operating income) will increase by 0.176%. In order to ensure the applicability of the difference-in-difference method, this paper carries out a parallel trend test, the event study results prove that the parallel trend exists. The dynamic effect test shows that changes in the distribution procedure of financial subsidy have brought about a rapid increase in enterprise innovation input and innovation intensity in the following years.This conclusion is still robust after a series of robustness tests. Specifically, using the average value of innovation input and the average value of innovation input intensity in the past three years as dependent variables to solve the worry that companies may whitewash innovation investment. By adding the province-level control variables and time polynomial interaction terms, and industry dummy variables to control the influence of different development trends between provinces and industries. Constructing a "hypothetical" treatment group for placebo testing, the results show that in the case of randomly determining the treatment group, the benchmark regression results are unlikely to appear.Mechanism analysis results show that the competitive distribution procedure encourages enterprise innovation through two channels: "selection effect" and "certification effect". The selection effect means that the government can select high-innovation companies with stronger positive externalities based on the company′s innovation information and provide high financial subsidy. The certification effect means that the government grants financial subsidy according to the innovation ability of enterprises, so that financial subsidy can be used as a certification signal of the quality of enterprise innovation and solve the failure of the innovation financing market.In order to comprehensively examine the impact of the competitive distribution procedure on enterprise innovation, the government behavior, market environment and enterprise scale are included in the analysis framework. The results show that increased pressure on GDP-based performance appraisal will weaken the effect of competitive distribution procedure on enterprise innovation. Besides, the increase in marketization will enhance the effect of competitive distribution procedure on enterprise innovation, meaning that good market competition environment helps to establish a fair and just competitive financial subsidy procedure. In addition, the competitive distribution procedure has a more obvious effect on small-scale enterprises′ innovation input. The reason may be that large-scale companies have stronger financing capabilities, and relatively speaking, the certification effect has limited effect on their innovation decision-making, while small companies have weak financing capabilities and need to use the government′s certification effect to ease the financing constraints encountered in the innovation process.Based on the above conclusion, this paper puts forward the following suggestions. First, it′s necessary to actively promote the competitive distribution reform of financial subsidy, including the developing of a simple and efficient fiscal subsidy distribution process, reducing the burden of enterprise application, avoiding ownership discrimination and scale discrimination;and enhancing the independence and professionalism of the project review expert team. Second, changing the traditional GDP-based assessment system and adding enterprise innovation indicators to the assessment system, which can encourage officials to formulate policies in accordance with time and place to stimulate enterprise innovation. Third, it′s important to improve the level of marketization, clarify the decisive role of the market in the distribution of resources, and provide the necessary institutional conditions for the effective operation of the market mechanism.
作者 张建顺 解洪涛 Zhang Jianshun;Xie Hongtao(School of Government Audit,Nanjing Audit University,Nanjing 211815,Jiangsu,China;School of Finance and Taxation,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan 430070,Hubei,China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期61-70,共10页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目:“小微企业减税效应及税负归宿研究:实证评估与政策优化”(72203102) 国家社会科学基金一般项目:“中小企业减税效果评估与政策优化——基于全国税源调查数据的研究”(19BJY232)。
关键词 财政补贴 竞争性分配 企业创新 准自然实验 financial subsidy competitive distribution enterprise innovation quasi-natural experiment
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