

Teaching Mode Construction of"Introduction to Chinese Folk Music"under the Background of Curriculum Ideology and Politics
摘要 关注人才培养目标指向,提升音乐课程思政建设质量,增强育人效应,深化课程思政教学改革是《中国民族音乐概论》课程的重要任务。解决《中国民族音乐概论》课程的专业教育和思政融入“两张皮”的问题,应当将课程思政与专业知识传授、能力培养有机融合,理念上做到“三个统一”:艺术性、工具性和人文性相统一;知识传授、能力培养与价值塑造相统一;从学生、“音乐人”到“成为人”育人过程与目标相统一。构建“三有”教学模式:激活课堂活力,增强文化自信,体现“课堂有趣”;培养学生传承弘扬传统音乐实践能力,增强学生的专业自信、文化自信,体现了“课程有用”;言传身教培养学生健全人格,实现铸魂育人,体现“课程有魂”。通过融入课程思政的“三有”教学模式构建,学生学业成绩、考研率、就业率及满意度明显提升。 It is an important task of"Introduction to Chinese Folk Music"to pay attention to the target of talent training,improve the quality of ideological and political construction of music course,enhance the effect of education,and deepen the reform of ideological and political teaching.Using the methods of literature and logical reasoning,this paper systematically studies the core elements of ideological and political theory extracted from the course of"Introduction to Chinese Folk Music"in colleges and universities,as well as the ways and methods of integration.In order to solve the"two cover"problem between professional education and ideological and political thinking in the course of"Introduction to Chinese Folk Music",we should organically integrate ideological and political education with professional knowledge imparts and ability training,and achieve"three unification"in the implementation concept:the unity of artistry,instrumentality and humanism;the unity of knowledge imparting,ability training and value shaping;the unity of cultivating process and goal from students and"musicians"to"becoming people".We construct a teaching mode of"Three Reflections":activate the classroom vitality and enhance the cultural confidence,reflecting the"interesting classroom";cultivate students'ability to inherit and carry forward traditional music practice,and highlight the characteristics of the major and the curriculum,reflecting the“usefulness of the curriculum”;teach by words and deeds to cultivate students'sound personality,and achieve the cultivation of soul,reflecting the"curriculum with soul".By integrating ideological and political education into the curriculum,students'academic performance,postgraduate entrance examination rate,employment rate and satisfaction are significantly improved.
作者 刘厚宇 LIU Houyu(School of Music and Dance,Lingnan Normal University,Zhanjiang 524048,Guangdong,China)
出处 《岭南师范学院学报》 2022年第5期108-114,共7页 Journal of Lingnan Normal University
基金 广东省线下一流课程《中国民族音乐概论》(粤高教函〔2022〕10号) 岭南师范学院线下一流课程《中国民族音乐概论》(岭师教务〔2021〕165号) 岭南师范学院教改项目(LSJGYB191)。
关键词 课程思政 中国民族音乐 音乐教学 音乐课程改革 curriculum ideology and politics Chinese folk music music teaching music curriculum reform
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