

Cultural Reconstruction and the Formation of the Cultural Community for the Chinese Nation: an Anthropological Probe into the Military Recruitment Festival of the She People in Eastern Guangdong
摘要 粤东畲族“招兵节”仪式是粤东畲族的标志性文化事项,其在形成与发展中广泛地采借了道教文化、佛教文化和汉族地方文化,并用本民族的祖先崇拜信仰对采借来的异文化因子进行了文化重构。分析粤东畲族文化与周边民族文化“异中有同”以及闽浙赣畲族文化“同中有异”的特点和原因,发现文化重构可以通过选择气质相似的文化因子来实现不同文化模式之间的彼此沟通,也能通过创造性重构来表达同一文化因子在差异性时空中呈现出的“一体多面”风貌。中国现存五十六个民族的文化变迁都是在采借与重构中完成的,没有一个民族文化的传承与发展是“孤岛式”的、封闭的,文化重构对今天探讨“中华民族是一个文化共同体”大有裨益和启发。 The Military Recruitment Festival is an iconic cultural event of the She people in eastern Guangdong. It has borrowed cultural elements from Taoism, Buddhism, and the local Han people’s culture, and has culturally reconstructed the She people’s beliefs in ancestor worship. It is found that the She people in eastern Guangdong share some cultural elements with neighboring ethnic groups and differ culturally from members of the same ethnic group in Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi. A probe into the features and causes of this phenomenon proves that absorbing cultural elements with desired attributes can pave the way for exchanges between cultures of varied patterns. The creative reconstruction of those cultural elements makes possible the representation of the same cultural elements in a multifaceted form in different times and spaces. All fifty-six ethnic groups in China borrowed and reconstructed cultural elements from other groups in the course of their cultural evolvement, with none developing in isolation. Cultural reconstructions therefore would shed light on the study of “the Chinese nation as a cultural community”.
作者 方清云 蒋正红 FANG Qing-yun;JIANG Zheng-hong
出处 《中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第11期73-79,184,共8页 Journal of South-Central Minzu University (Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“近代浙江畲族文书的搜集、整理与研究”(20&ZD213) 2022年国家民委中华民族共同体研究基地委托项目“《中华民族共同体概论》教学质量提升研究”。
关键词 文化重构 中华民族文化共同体 粤东畲族 “招兵节”仪式 cultural reconstruction the cultural community for the Chinese nation She people in eastern Guangdong the Military Recruitment Festival
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