
学区空间密度在城市小学空间发展的应用研究——以深圳市福田区为例 被引量:1

Research on the Application of Spatial Density of School District in the Spatial Development of Urban Primary School:A Case Study Based on Futian in Shenzhen
摘要 改革开放以来,深圳市经济发展迅猛,人口激增,导致学位紧缺,基础教育设施发展矛盾重重。其中以福田区人口密度最高,土地面积在主城区中最小,有限用地下如何保障基础教育学位的供给及品质成为教育空间发展的主要矛盾。近年来,高密度城市环境下中小学校的集约建设问题不断探索发展,但往往局限于单一学校的改扩建,缺乏整体考虑及理性的判断标准。以此为出发点,在前期学区空间密度研究的基础上,针对福田区小学及其学区展开调研及数据收集工作,针对其就学供需关系,学校利用程度及学区利用程度展开分析,归纳基于学区空间密度的城市小学及其学区空间发展类型,并结合福田区现状,针对小学学区空间发展类型,提出相应的空间发展策略。在解决福田区城市小学空间发展整体策略的同时,为基础教育学校及其学区空间发展模式的选取提供了相应的借鉴意义,并对其相关模式的评判归纳了相应的科学依据。 ABSRACT In 2020,the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone celebrated its 40th anniversary.The gross domestic product and the resident population have increased nearly 1,000 times and have each increased more than 50 times,respectively,since the foundation of the Special Administration Region(SAR).Alongside this economic development and population growth,student enrollment in urban primary schools has also increased by about 15 times.However,the land area of Shenzhen is only about 2,000 square kilometers,putting it at a disadvantage among the domestic megacities.There exists a contradiction between the shortage of land and the increasing needs for construction areas to allow for economic and population development,especially in Futian District.Futian District accounts for the smallest area in the main urban center,but has the highest population density,and relatively perfect regional development and construction.It is almost impossible to increase its land area.Therefore,ensuring the supply and quality of basic education degrees through reconstruction and construction of the existing land area has become the main issue in the spatial development of elementary education in Futian District.In recent years,the problem of intensive construction of primary and secondary schools in high-density urban environments has been explored and developed.In 2018,the"Futian new campus action plan"began to explore the option of underground high-density campuses.In 2021,the"Futian new campus action planⅡ"explored an innovative mode of"urban land space operation research,"which integrates schools and community resources.The option of resolving the high-density urban environment via the integration of schools and communities has been fully utilized.However,such an innovation mode currently lacks scientific guidance.It is important to evaluate the degree of space utilization and utilization efficiency of the school district.This is also an important basis for scientific guidance of the spatial development of primary schools.In summary,based on previous studies concerning the spatial density of school districts and its influencing factors,data on building densities,plot ratios,population,and other indicators related to schools and their districts were acquired through field investigation,open data collection,and network and map information review in 65 primary schools and 62 school districts in Futian District.Based on the data,this study also analyzed the supply-demand relationship,building density,and plot ratio of schools and their district.Moreover,the spatial density distribution relationship of urban primary schools and their districts in Futian District was summarized through a comparative study on spatial utilization degree and distribution relationship.In this way,spatial development modes were classified according to differences of parameter indicators of different schools,and the spatial development mode of urban primary schools based on the spatial density of school districts was identified.On this basis,a guide to the development of"integrating schools and communities"was put forward:1)recognize construction spaces which can be shared and divide the priority levels according to frequency of usage;2)determine operation characteristics of different schools and reserve a specific spaces for characteristic operation,while other spaces that can be shared can be co-constructed according to the priority level;and 3)review corresponding indicators again according to shared spaces in schools and improve the overall spatial environmental quality.A case study based on primary schools in Futian District was carried out.Based on a review of spatial density indexes,the spatial expansion types of schools were divided and the co-construction principle of integrating schools and communities was proposed according to spatial usage in communities.This study provides scientific references for establishing data and case screening mechanisms for follow-up studies on school-community integration types and indexes,for integrating spatial resources effectively by studying different degrees of co-construction of different campus types,for improving overall spatial quality while assuring the spatial indexes of urban middle and primary schools,and for evaluating the spatial development mode in school districts.
作者 沈若宇 何川 范悦 SHEN Ruoyu;HE Chuan;FAN Yue
出处 《南方建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期21-30,共10页 South Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51978551),基于标准更新的中小学校舍适宜性空间构成研究 国家自然科学基金资助项目(52178020),基于多要素分析的南方既有住区建筑综合品质与安全性提升更新方法研究。
关键词 城市小学 学区 学区空间密度 空间发展模式 urban primary cchool school district spatial density of school district spatial development model
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