In the fall of 1861,the British cruise ship Trent which the Confederate envoys James Mason and John Slidell were on board were intercepted by the United States Navy off the coast of the Bahamas.The US Navy released Trent after taking Mason and Slidell.The incident caused an uproar on both sides of the Atlantic,and the United States and Britain engaged in tense crisis diplo⁃macy over the Trent affair.This case ended with the release of Mason and Slidell by the United States.It was a win-win result:Brit⁃ain won face in the international community.The British Empire seemed still sacred.But in the diplomatic negotiations over the Trent affair,British politicians demanded the release of the two envoys on the basis that the right to maritime neutrality that the United States had been fighting for since Jefferson times,which had earned the United States a good deal.More importantly,the peaceful settlement of the Trent affair ruled out possible British intervention in the American Civil War.It created a good external environment for assessing rebellion.
LIU Guo-zhu(School of History,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou Zhejiang 310058,China)
Journal of Langfang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)