
我国水生态系统完整性研究的重大意义、现状、挑战与主要任务 被引量:13

Significance,Current Situation,Challenges and Future Direction and Development of Research on Freshwater Ecological Integrity in China
摘要 水生态系统完整性研究是当今国际热点,维护水生态系统健康与稳定已成为世界各国水生态系统保护的目标、方向和管理策略.“十三五”以来,我国地表水环境质量改善效果显著,但部分流域或局部水生态退化问题成为突出短板,强调水生态系统整体保护、促进水生态环境质量全面改善、提高生态系统自我修复能力将是未来我国水生态环境保护的重点任务.本文详细剖析了典型流域水生态系统保护现状和需求,阐述了我国开展水生态系统完整性研究的重大意义,系统总结了完整性研究国际进展和应用实践,深入分析了当前我国完整性研究面临的主要挑战,提出了未来发展思路与重点任务.加快研发完整性监测与评价新技术,建立物理、化学和水生生物多要素统筹的完整性评价指标体系,创新发展多尺度完整性评价理论,持续开展典型流域完整性状况评估,摸清水生态家底及演变趋势;突破完整性退化诊断与修复调控新技术,厘清退化机制及驱动因子,阐明气候变化与人类活动复杂压力下退化水生态系统修复路径和调控策略,提升水生态系统保护修复的科学性,加快推动我国水生态环境管理制度迈上新台阶,为恢复和维持重点流域水生态系统原真性和完整性提供科技支撑. The study on ecological integrity has become an international hotspot.Improving the health and quality stability of aquatic ecosystems has become the ultimate management goal,direction and strategies worldwide.Since the‘13th Five-Year Plan’,the quality of surface water has been significantly improved in China.However,the degradation of aquatic ecosystems has been prominent shortcomings in typical watersheds.Future ecosystem management should emphasize the overall protection of physical,chemical and biological integrity.Improving water quality and restoring the resilience of aquatic ecosystems will be important goals and tasks for the protection of freshwater ecosystems in China.In this review,the current status and needs of ecosystem protection in typical watersheds were summarized first.The significance of the study of freshwater ecological integrity in China was elucidated.Then,the progress and application practice regrading ecological integrity in foreign countries were demonstrated.The challenges and deficiencies were also highlighted for achievements of ecological integrity research in China.Finally,the future developments of ecological integrity studies in China were proposed.New technologies for ecological integrity monitoring and assessment should be expedited in the future.An ecological integrity assessment index that integrates physical,chemical and biological metrics should be established in China.The theories of multi-scale ecological integrity assessment need to be developed.The investigation of ecological integrity should be carried out periodically to grasp the ecosystem background and evolution trend of typical watersheds.New methods for degradation diagnosis and restoration of ecological integrity need to be proposed to clarify the degradation mechanisms and driving factors.It is urgent to put forward the restoration pathway and regulation strategies for degraded aquatic ecosystems under the complex stress of climate change and human activities,which is beneficial to improving the protection and restoration of freshwater ecosystems.Ecological integrity research is the basis for speeding up China′s aquatic ecosystem management into a new era,and provides technological support for the maintenance of freshwater ecosystem health.
作者 孙福红 郭一丁 王雨春 夏瑞 张远 闫振广 刘雪松 吴丰昌 SUN Fuhong;GUO Yiding;WANG Yuchun;XIA Rui;ZHANG Yuan;YAN Zhenguang;LIU Xuesong;WU Fengchang(State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment,Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences,Beijing 100012,China;China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,Department of Water Ecology and Environment,Beijing 100038,China;Guangdong University of Technology,Institute of Environmental and Ecological Engineering,Guangzhou,510006,China)
出处 《环境科学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期2748-2757,共10页 Research of Environmental Sciences
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(No.2021YFC3201001) 长江生态环境保护修复联合研究项目(第二期)(No.2022-LHYJ-02-0101)。
关键词 生态系统完整性 评价 退化 生态修复 ecological integrity assessment degradation ecological restoration
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