
基于统计方法学的焦化类污染场地风险筛选决策研究 被引量:6

Risk Screening Decision of Coking Pollution Sites Based on Statistical Methods
摘要 利用统计方法学估算场地污染物平均浓度能更客观地反映实际污染程度,这对污染场地风险评估和管理决策具有重要意义.本研究以某焦化场地中典型污染物——萘为例,分别依据英国环境署颁布的《土壤污染浓度与临界浓度比较导则》(Guidance on Comparing Soil Contamination Data with a Critical Concentration)(简称“英国CL:AIRE导则”),以及美国环境保护署颁布的ProUCL技术导则(ProUCL Technical Guide,Statistical Software for Environmental Applications for Data Sets with and Without Nondetect Observations)(简称“美国ProUCL导则”),基于统计方法学对场地土壤萘浓度进行描述性统计分析、数据审查、分布类型判断及真实平均浓度估算,并根据《土壤环境质量建设用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行)》(GB 36600—2018)第一类建设用地的筛选值对场地进行了初步风险评估.结果表明:污染场地0~1 m土壤萘的真实平均浓度小于GB 36600—2018第一类建设用地筛选值,但1~2 m和2~4 m土壤萘的真实平均浓度大于筛选值;在不同土壤深度上,萘的空间分布特征相似,以场地中心为主要污染源,向四周逐级扩散递减,因此需对场地开展详细风险评估.此外,通过对比英美两国导则可知,美国ProUCL导则更加严格,利用Q-Q图示法和拟合优度检验法判断场地数据的分布类型,并基于数据分布特征计算相应的95%置信上限值估算污染物的真实平均浓度;而英国CL:AIRE导则相对简单,主要基于中心极限定理通过计算双侧置信区间估算污染物浓度,同时利用空间图判断污染物空间布局,有助于评估场地污染状况.研究显示,基于统计方法估算场地土壤污染平均浓度可降低风险评估结论的不确定性.建议我国以英国CL:AIRE导则中的统计方法为基础估计污染物真实平均浓度,逐步融入美国ProUCL导则中的统计方法以提高风险决策水平,对实现我国污染场地精细化风险评估具有重要意义. Estimating the average contaminant concentrations through statistical methods can more accurately reflect the actual contamination level of the site,which is of great significance to the risk assessment and management decision of contaminated sites.In this study,typical naphthalene soil contamination of coking contaminated land was evaluated through descriptive statistics,data check,determination of data distribution and estimation of true mean contaminant concentrations,based on the statistical methods in Guidance on Comparing Soil Contamination Data with a Critical Concentration issued by the United Kingdom Contaminated Land:Application in Real Environments(UK CL:AIRE)(referred to as‘UK CL:AIRE Guidelines’)and ProUCL Technical Guide,Statistical Software for Environmental Applications for Data Sets with and without Nondetect Observations issued by US Environmental Protection Agency(referred to as‘US ProUCL Guidelines’).According to the Soil Environmental Quality Risk Control Standard for Soil Contamination of Development Land(GB 36600-2018),the preliminary risk assessment was conducted using soil screening levels under the Category I Land Use Scenario.The results showed that the true mean concentration of naphthalene in the soil at the depth 0-1 m was lower than the screening value,while those at the depths of 1-2 m and 2-4 m were higher than the screening value.Additionally,naphthalene concentrations at different depths were similar in the spatial pattern where naphthalene spreads from the center to the edge of the contaminated site,thus warranting a detailed risk assessment.In addition,it become apparent by comparing the UK and US statistical methods that the US ProUCL Guideline is more rigorous in which the quantile-quantile(Q-Q)plot and the goodness-of-fit test were performed to identify the distribution of data sets,and the 95%upper confidence limits(UCL95)were used to estimate the true mean naphthalene concentration on the basis of the data distribution.However,UK CL:AIRE Guideline is relatively simple,in which the mean concentration of a contaminant is estimated by the two-way confidence interval based on the Central Limit Theorem(CLT).Furthermore,the UK CL:AIRE Guideline provides the contaminant spatial distribution by the spatial plot,which is more conducive to estimate the true mean contaminant concentrations.The results show that the estimation of the mean contaminant concentrations based on the statistical methods can minimize the uncertainty of the results in risk assessment.It is recommended that the UK statistical methods as a foundation for the estimation of true mean contaminant concentrations,with the US statistical methods being gradually integrated to improve the risk screening decision level,which is crucial for refining risk assessment of contaminated land in China.
作者 武文培 陈梦舫 韩璐 顾明月 陈雪艳 龚泽瀚 李婧 WU Wenpei;CHEN Mengfang;HAN Lu;GU Mingyue;CHEN Xueyan;GONG Zehan;LI Jing(Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation,Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Nanjing Kaiye Environmental Technology Co.Ltd.,Nanjing 210008,China;College of Chemistry and Materials Science,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu 610066,China)
出处 《环境科学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期2819-2829,共11页 Research of Environmental Sciences
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(No.2018YFC1803002,2017YFA0207003) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(No.41907170)。
关键词 统计方法学 污染场地 真实平均浓度 风险评估 statistical methodology contaminated land true mean concentration risk assessment
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