
浅析观众沉浸感和博物馆沉浸式展示要素 被引量:10

Immersion and the Elements of Museum Immersive Displays
摘要 沉浸感是衡量博物馆体验的重要指标,但目前国内博物馆学界在这方面的研究忽视了以immersion概念为核心的沉浸感理论探讨。沉浸式展示帮助观众产生沉浸感,然而,对其不清晰的认识导致当下部分展览过度依赖数字技术。为解决以上问题,应明确沉浸感的概念和沉浸式展示的实质,深入分析作为观众的“人”和达成沉浸式展示的“技术”之间的关系,认识到“身体”是产生沉浸感的核心媒介。沉浸式展示的意义也由此被揭示,它并非技术的附庸,而旨在以情境激活观众的直观感知,重塑他们参观时的认知过程和知识获取模式。此外,考虑到多感官、叙事和交互在促进观众感官、心理和行为的沉浸体验方面具有关键作用,博物馆在设计沉浸式展示时应重点关注这三个要素。 Immersion is an important indicator of the museum experience.The previous studies in this area have not paid much attention to the theoretical discussion of the concept of immersion.Immersive displays help the visitors create a sense of immersion.However,the lack of a clear understanding of the concept has led to the excessive reliance on digital technologies in current museum practices.It is important to clarify the concept of immersion"and the essence of the"immersive display",examine the relationship between the"people"who are visiting the museum and the"technology"that helps build the immersive display,and acknowledge the fact that the visitor’s"body"is the core medium for the sense of immersion.It is also important to note that the immersive display is not a vassal of technology,but aims to activate visitors’intuitive perception of the situation,thereby reshaping their cognitive process and knowledge acquisition mode when they visit the museum.Furthermore,given the critical roles that multisensory representation,narrative and interaction play in facilitating the sensory,psychological and behavioral immersion experience of the visitors,museums should focus on these three elements when designing immersive displays.
作者 张琰 郑霞 ZHANG Yan;ZHENG Xia(School of Art and Archaeology,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,310028)
出处 《东南文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期153-160,共8页 Southeast Culture
关键词 博物馆 沉浸感 沉浸式展示 多感官 叙事 交互 museum immersion immersive display multisensory narrative interaction
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