

Intertextual Dialogue and Critical Reconsideration:On Percival Everett’s I’m Not Sidney Poitier
摘要 美国著名黑人影星西德尼·波蒂埃是民权运动时期的重要文化符号,也是第一位获得奥斯卡金像奖的黑人男演员,主演了多部反映当代美国种族问题的电影。当代非裔美国小说家埃弗雷特的小说《我非西德尼·波蒂埃》以互文性对话的方式,再现黑人青年主人公与白人社会的矛盾,通过批判性反思,展示他与其他黑人精英的冲突,揭示当代黑人青年只有遗失自我,才能发现自我的悖论与矛盾及其所体现出来的种族主义影响。 Sidney Poitier, an important icon in the civil rights movement, was the frst African-American Best Actor in the Academy Awards, and Poitier played a signifcant role in many flms concerning contemporary American racial issues. Contemporary African American novelist Percival Everett’s I’m Not Sidney Poitier adopts the technique of intertextual dialogue to represent the confict between a black young man, Not Sidney Poitier, and white American society. Moreover, the work critically depicts clashes between the protagonist and the black elite, revealing the dilemma of contemporary black young men having to “fnd one’s self in losing one’s self,” and thereby questioning the larger cultural and national impact of racism on black people in America.
作者 王玉括 Wang Yukuo(School of Foreign Language and Literature,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,specializing in(African)American literature)
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期22-27,共6页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
基金 江苏省社会科学基金重点课题“当代非裔美国作家埃弗雷特小说创作研究”(21WWA001) 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究重大项目“当代非裔美国历史小说研究”(2020SJZDA023)的阶段性成果。
关键词 坡思弗·埃弗雷特 《我非西德尼·波蒂埃》 互文性对话 批判性反思 种族主义 Percival Everett I’m Not Sidney Poitier intertextual dialogue critical reconsideration racism
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  • 1Julia Kristeva, 《Bakthine, le mot, le dialogue et le roman》,Semeiotike. Recherches pour une semartalyse, Paris, Seuil,1969, p. 146.
  • 2Julia Kristeva, 《Problemes de la structuration du texte》,Theorie d'ensemble, Paris, Seuil, 1968, p. 311.
  • 3Julia Kristeva, 《Le textc clos》, Sem eio tike. Recherches pour une semanalyse, 1969, p. 113.
  • 4Julia Kristeva, 《Une portique ruinre》, prrface a la tra-duction francaise de La poetique de Dostotolevski de Bakhtine[1970], Paris, Seuil, coll. 《Points》, 1998, p. 11.
  • 5Philippe Sollers, preface a la reedition de Theorie d'ensemble, Paris, Seuil, coll. 《Points》, 1980, p. 7.
  • 6Theorie d'ensemble [ 1968 ], Paris, Seuil, coll. 《Points》, 1980, p. 9, p. ll.
  • 7Philippe Sollers, 《Eeriture et r6volution》, Theorie d'ensemble [1968], Paris, Seuil, coll. 《Points》, 1980,p. 77.
  • 8Roland Barthes, Oeuvres completes, tome 2, Paris, Seuil,1994, p. 1000.
  • 9Mare Angenot, 《L'intertextualite : enquete sur l'emergence et la diffusion d'un champ notionnel》, in Revue des Sci-ences humaines, no189, 1983, p. 125,.
  • 10Graham Allen, Intertextuality, London, New York, Rout-ledge, 2000, pp. 95 -97.









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