The step-tapered pile has a large vertical bearing capacity,but the stress concentration phenomenon is obvious at the variable cross-section,which limits the application range of this pile type.In order to reduce the abrupt change of axial force at the variable cross-section,the taper angle was employed in the design of the step-tapered pile to form the conical composite pile. To determine the vertical bearing capacity of the new type of pile,the static response of the conical composite pile under vertical load was tested based on the physical scale model test,and the behaviors of the conical composite pile were revealed by comparing it with the traditional uniform-section pile and step-tapered pile. The model test was designed according to the similarity theory and the volume of the three types of the pile was approximately equal. The vertical load was applied on the pile head by steps,then the settlement curve and the axial force of the pile under loading were obtained. The results show that :(1)The vertical bearing capacity of the uniform-section pile was the smallest,that of the step-tapered pile was in the middle,and that of the conical composite pile was the largest.(2)The axial force of the uniform-section pile decreased approximately linearly with the increase of depth. The axial force of the step-tapered pile changed sharply when the cross-section became smaller,while that of the conetype pile did not change remarkably at the upper and lower variable sections. The position of the maximum axial force of conical composite was located below the lower variable section,and the overall axial force distribution was more harmonious.(3)The ratio of shaft resistance of uniform-section piles decreased sharply with the increase of load,while that of step-tapered piles changed non-linearly with the increase of load. The ratio of shaft resistance of conical composite piles was stable at around 55%.(4)The conical composite pile can not only give full play to the advantages of the large bearing capacity of the step-tapered pile,but also overcome the defect of abrupt change of axial force at the variable section. The vertical bearing capacity of the conical composite pile is larger than that of the step-tapered pile,which has great engineering application value.
ZHOU Xianqi;YE Jinbi;JIN Xiaoqin;GUO Dengqi(College of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Xiamen University of Technology,Xiamen 361024,China;Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Wind Disaster and Wind Engineering,Xiamen University of Techonolgy,Xiamen 361024,China)
Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering
conical composite pile
model test
vertical bearing capacity