
高效液相色谱法测试硫化橡胶中游离硫含量 被引量:1

Determination of Free Sulfur Content in Vulcanized Rubber by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
摘要 以环己烷作萃取溶剂,试样在50℃下超声萃取1 h,使用Altus^(TM)uplc~?RHEC 18(50×2.1 mm)紫外可见检测器型色谱柱、甲醇流动相和检测波长230 nm测试了硫化橡胶中游离硫含量。结果表明,浓度在1~100μg/mL之间时,硫标准溶液与峰面积线性关系良好,相关因数0.9990,相对标准偏差0.89%;样品加标回收率在96.5%~103.5%之间,说明此方法可用于硫化橡胶高灵敏度测试分析。 Using cyclohexane as the extraction solvent,the samples were extracted by ultrasonic at 50℃for 1 h,and the content of free sulfur content in vulcanized rubber were measured by using an Altus^(TM)uplc?RHE C 18(50×2.1 mm)UV-Vis detector chromatographic column,methanol mobile phase and detection wavelength of 230 nm.The results showed that,when the concentration was between 1μg/mL and 100μg/mL,the sulfur standard solution had a good linear relationship with the peak area,the correlation factor was 0.9990,and the relative standard deviation was 0.89%,the recovery rate of samples ranged from 96.5%to 103.5%.It showed that this method ould be used for high sensitivity analysis of vulcanized rubber.
作者 冯琳 吴新国 滕晓晓 刘方 FENG Lin;WU Xin-guo;TENG Xiao-xiao;LIU Fang(Northwest Rubber&Plastics Research&Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Xianyang 712023,China)
出处 《特种橡胶制品》 2022年第5期65-68,共4页 Special Purpose Rubber Products
关键词 硫化胶 游离硫含量 超高效液相色谱 vulcanizate free sulfur content ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography
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