

Analysis on Competitive Situation of Global Quantum Information Technology
摘要 量子信息技术已成为全球科技发展的重要领域,深入研究其发展趋势和竞争态势,有助于为我国的量子信息发展战略和相关政策制定提供科学决策依据。以Innography数据库收纳的14218件专利为样本,采用专利地图、专利组合模型和社会网络分析方法,从地理、组织和技术视角对量子信息领域竞争态势进行了剖析。研究表明:现阶段的技术重点是量子通信、量子计算和半导体,美国、中国、日本、加拿大和英国是量子信息技术的主要竞争国家。中国是一个专利大国,并非专利强国,属于技术活跃者,技术重点集中于量子通信;美国是该领域的领导者,其技术重点集中于量子计算和半导体;其他国家在主要的技术领域均有重要研发成果,属于潜在竞争者。最后,从可操作性角度为我国量子信息技术的发展提出了政策建议。 Quantum information technology has become an important field in the development of global science and technology.Thorough research on its development trend and competitive situation will provide scientific decision-making basis for our country’s quantum information development strategy and related policy formulation.Taking 14218 patents stored in the Innography database as samples,this paper analyzes the competitive situation in the field of quantum information from the perspective of geography,organization and technology by using patent map,patent portfolio model and social network analysis methods.The research shows that the current technological focus is on quantum communication,quantum computing and semiconductors.The United States,China,Japan,Canada and the United Kingdom are the main competitors for quantum information technology.China is a patent power,not a patent powerful nation.It is a technology activist,and its technology focuses on quantum communication;the United States is the leader in this field,and its technology focuses on quantum computing and semiconductors;other countries have important R&D achievements in major technical fields and are potential competitors.Finally,this paper puts forward policy suggestions for the development of quantum information technology in China from the perspective of operability.
作者 李小丽 李坤 LI Xiaoli;LI Kun
出处 《图书情报导刊》 2022年第9期42-51,共10页 Journal of Library and Information Science
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目“新兴领域军民两用技术双向转移耦合机制构建研究”(项目编号:19BGL040)。
关键词 量子信息技术 竞争态势 专利组合模型 quantum information technology competitive situation patent portfolio model
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