

Research and practice on teaching reform of public computer courses for normal students in colleges and universities
摘要 随着计算机应用的广泛深入,计算机成为中小学教师的日常办公工具之一,不但高校教师的计算机素养需要提高,而且通过调查发现在校师范生的计算机应用能力也较弱。在此基础上,文章首先分析目前计算机类课程的特点、教学内容,然后结合目前中小学教师所需的计算机应用,提出并优化一套可操作性强的计算机类课程的改革方案。教学改革包括课程内容、教学方法和考核方式三个方面,并对“大学计算机基础”和“现代教育技术”两门课程分别给出了考核方式的建议。该方案中“大学计算机基础”课程教学改革方案已经实施一年,并且取得了比较显著的效果。 With the extensive and in depth application of computer,as one of the daily ffice tools of primary and secondary school teachers,but its computer literacy needs to be improved,and through the investigation.it is found that the computer application ability of normal school students is also weak.On this basis,this paper first analyzes the characteristics and teaching content of current computer courses,and then puts forward and optimizes a set of highly operable computer courses reform plan combined with the current computer applications required by primary and secondary school teachers.The teaching reform includes three aspects,course content,teaching methods and assessment methods,and gives suggestions on assessment methods for two courses,"university computer fundamentals"and"modern educational technology".The teaching reform of the"university computer fundamentals"has been implemented for one year and has achieved remarkable results.
作者 李莉杰 胡威威 赵晓华 LI Liie;HU Weiwei;ZHAO Xiaohua(Henan Kaifeng Collegeof Science Technology and Communication,Kaifeng,Henan 475001,China)
出处 《计算机应用文摘》 2022年第23期20-22,共3页 Chinese Journal of Computer Application
基金 河南省2022年度教师教育课程改革研究项目:“双减”背景下本科师范生计算机类基础课程改革探索研究(2022⁃JSJYYB⁃129) 2021年度河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划:计算机类课程实践环节融合化在线教学研究(2021GGJS198) 河南开封科技传媒学院教育教学改革研究与实践项目:应用型高校教师教学能力培养体系搭建新探(KCJG⁃2021Q⁃025) 河南开封科技传媒学院校校级教育教学改革研究与实践项目:面向竞赛的算法分析与设计的教学研究(KCJG⁃2020Q⁃020)。
关键词 师范生 教学改革 计算机类课程 normal university students teaching reform computer courses
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