

The determination of sodium cyclamate in popsicle and milk tea by high performance liquid chromatography
摘要 目的 建立测定冰棒、奶茶中环己基氨基磺酸钠的高效液相色谱法。方法 将食品中的环己基氨基磺酸钠用水提取后,在强酸性溶液中与次氯酸钠反应,生成N,N-二氯环己胺,用正庚烷萃取后,采用高效液相色谱法检测,保留时间定性,外标法定量。结果 环己基氨基磺酸钠在10~200μg/ml范围内有着良好的线性关系,准确度好,精密度高,低、中、高不同浓度的加标回收率在94%~99%,满足实验要求。结论 本实验采用高效液相色谱法测定冰棒、奶茶中的环己基氨基磺酸钠,合格率为100%。 Objective This paper aims to establish a method for the determination of sodium cyclamate in popsicle and milk tea by high performance liquid chromatography. Methods Firstly, the sodium cyclamate was extracted by water, then it reacted with sodium hypochlorite in strong acid solution to form N, N-dichlorocyclohexylamine. After extraction with n-heptane, it was detected by HPLC. The retention time and the external standardization method were used qualitatively and quantitatively. Results The results showed that sodium cyclamate had a good linear relationship in the range of 10-200 μg/mL, with good accuracy and high precision. The recoveries of low, medium and high concentrations of sodium cyclamate were 94% to 99%, which met the experimental requirements. Conclusion High performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) was used to determine sodium cyclamate in popsicles and milk tea. The qualified rate of samples was 100%.
作者 陈艳芳 许喜明 张锦宏 CHEN Yan-fang;XU Xi-ming;ZHANG Jin-hong(Department of Laboratory,Zhangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Zhangzhou,Fujian 363000,China)
出处 《中国卫生工程学》 CAS 2022年第5期724-726,共3页 Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering
关键词 高效液相色谱法 冰棒 奶茶 环己基氨基磺酸钠 High performance liquid chromatography Popsicles Milk tea Sodium cyclamate
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