
中等强度运动处方对女大学生体质干预效果分析 被引量:3

Effect analysis of moderate intensity exercise prescription on the physical intervention of female college students
摘要 目的探讨中等强度运动处方对女大学生体质的影响,为通过高校体育教学提高女大学生体质健康管理提供参考。方法2019年9—12月在天津市河北工业大学随机抽取2019级两个女生班,以抽签法确定干预组和对照组,干预组45名,对照组42名。依据美国运动医学会推荐及干预组学生运动前测评结果,由体能教练设计中等强度运动处方,干预组实施16周、每周3次运动处方干预。干预组学生在每次锻炼后进行运动负荷的自我监测,体能教练每4周依据自我监测结果,对运动处方进行个性化调整。对照组不做运动处方干预。干预前后两组分别测定体质量指数(BMI)、肺活量、800 m跑和坐位体前屈,干预结束随机选取5名干预组学生进行访谈。结果干预后,干预组的BMI、肺活量、800 m跑和坐位体前屈结果分别为(20.41±1.45)kg/m^(2),(3376.32±389.21)mL,(228.16±17.00)s,(15.63±4.36)cm;对照组分别为(22.60±2.38)kg/m^(2),(2911.16±369.73)mL,(238.11±11.86)s,(15.47±7.45)cm;干预组肺活量、800 m跑和BMI与对照组间差异均有统计学意义(t值分别为-5.22,5.71,-3.15,P值均<0.05);干预组较干预前BMI降低2.69 kg/m^(2),肺活量增加537.64 mL、800 m跑成绩减少16.00 s。干预组干预前后肺活量、800 m跑和坐位体前屈的优良率差异均无统计学意义(χ^(2)值分别为3.20,0.76,3.63,P值均>0.05)。经访谈,干预组学生认为运动处方提高了体质健康水平;干预过程中同学、教练的鼓励支持,教练的组织、监督指导对完成全程干预有很大帮助。结论规律、持续的中等强度运动处方能增进女大学生的体质健康水平;有关运动处方的健康教育、支持性环境及良好的干预活动组织可提高运动依从性及效果。 Objective To explore the influence of moderate-intensity exercise prescription on the physical fitness of female college students,so as provide a reference for improving the physical health management of female college students through college PE education.Methods From September to December 2019,two female classes of grade 2019 were randomly selected from Hebei University of Technology in Tianjin as the research objects,with 45 students in the intervention group and 42 students in the control group.According to the American Academy of Sports Medicine’s recommendation and the results of pre-exercise assessment for students in the intervention group,the physical fitness coach designed the moderate-intensity exercise prescription,and the exercise prescription intervention was carried out in the intervention group for three times a week for 16 weeks.The students in the intervention group self-monitered their exercise load after each exercise,and the physical fitness coach made individual adjustments to the exercise prescription every 4 weeks according to the self-monitoring results.Before and after the intervention,BMI,vital capacity,800-meter running and sitting forward flexion were measured in the two groups respectively.At the end of the intervention,5 students in the intervention group were randomly selected for interview.Results After the intervention,BMI,800 m and sit forward in the intervention group were(20.41±1.45)kg/m^(2),(3376.32±389.21)mL,(228.16±17.00)s and(15.63±4.36)cm,respectively.The control group were(22.60±2.38)kg/m^(2),(2911.16±369.73)mL,(238.11±11.86)s,(15.47±7.45)cm respectively.The vital capacity,800 m and BMI results of intervention group were better than those of the control group(t=-5.22,5.71,-3.15,P<0.05).Compared to those before intervention,in the intervention group,BMI was decreased by 2.69 kg/m^(2),while vital capacity and were improved by 537.64 mL,the time for 800 m was reduced by 16.00 s,respectively.However,there was no significant difference in the excellent rate of vital capacity,800 m and sit forward before and after the intervention group(χ^(2)=3.20,0.76,3.63,P>0.05).During the interview of the intervention group,the students believed that exercise prescription improved the physical health level;the encouragement and support of students and coaches,supervision and guidance of the coach were of great help to complete the whole intervention.Conclusion Regular and continuous moderate intensity exercise prescription can improve the physical health level of female college students;exercise prescription health education,supportive environment and good organization can improve exercise compliance and effect.
作者 安义德 张霈 张欣 席薇 AN Yide;ZHANG Pei;ZHANG Xin;XI Wei(Sports Department,Tianjin Medical University,Tianjin(300070),China;不详)
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第10期1500-1504,1508,共6页 Chinese Journal of School Health
基金 天津市哲学社会科学规划项目(TJTY20-001)。
关键词 运动活动 体质 健康促进 干预性研究 学生 女(雌)性 Motor activity Body constitution Health promotion Intervention studies Students Female
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