
近20年新疆社会经济发展与环境污染关系综合分析 被引量:1

Comprehensive Analysis of the Relationship between Social Economic Development and Environmental Pollution in Xinjiang over the last 20 years
摘要 利用2000-2020年新疆经济增长与环境污染统计数据建立环境污染评价指标体系,分析新疆人均GDP和工业废气、颗粒物、二氧化硫排放量,工业废水、化学需氧量排放量,工业固体废物排放量等主要环境污染指标随时间的演进趋势。利用统计软件SPSS对近20 a来新疆人均GDP与综合环境污染指标进行回归分析,分析结果表明:2000年以来,新疆工业颗粒物、二氧化硫、工业废水、化学需氧量排放量4项指标与人均GDP之间呈现“倒U”型关系,说明新疆目前的状况总体符合经济发展初期随着经济发展污染物排放总量上升,后期随经济发展污染物排放总量下降的理论,但工业废气与人均GDP之间呈现出左“倒U”型,工业固体废物排放与人均GDP之间呈现出“N型”关系的原因,说明新疆还是存在环境治理效率相对于滞后环境污染的速度的现象,需要加强污染治理改善大气环境质量。 Based on the statistial data of Xinjiang environmental pollution and economie growth from the year 2000 to 2020, the evolution trend of main environmental pollution index with time was analyzed in this paper, including per-capita GDP of xinjiang, emissions of industrial waste gas, particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, industrial waste water, chemical oxygen demand and industiral solid waste. This paper makes a regression analysis between the per-capita GDP and the comprehensive environmental pollution index by using the statistical software SPSS in xinjiang over the last 20 years. The results of regression analysis indicate show that sicince 2000, there has been an "inversed U curve " relationship between industrial particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, industrial wastewater and chemical oxygen demand emissions and per-capita GDP, the current situation of xinjiang conforms to theory that the total amount of pollutant emission increases with the economic development in the early stage, and decreases with the economic development in the later stage. However, the relationship between industrial waste gas and per-capita GDP has left "inverted U", and the relationship between industial solid waste discharge and per-capita GDP has "N" shape. It shows that there is still existing the phenomenon of environmental treatment efficinecy relative to the lag of environmental pollution speed in xinjiang, and it is necessary to strengthen pollution control to improve the quality of air environment.
作者 陈枭萌 郭宇宏 王海林 宋雪 CHEN Xiao-meng;GUO Yu-hong;WANG Hai-lin;SONG Xue(Urumqi Ecological Environmental Monitoringr Station of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Urumqi Xinjiang 830011,China;Ecological Environment Monitoring Station of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Urumqi Xinjiang 830011,China)
出处 《干旱环境监测》 2022年第4期180-185,共6页 Arid Environmental Monitoring
关键词 新疆 环境污染 经济增长 库兹涅茨曲线 Xinjiang environmental pollution economic growth environmental Kuznets curve
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