黄泥田是延平区主要水稻土类型。为明确南平市延平区主推水稻品种中浙优8号在当地的最佳氮肥管理技术,通过不同施氮水平田间试验,研究氮肥用量对中浙优8号产量和农艺性状的影响及其适宜施氮量。结果表明:中浙优8号的稻谷产量随着施氮水平的提高而增加,其产量增加主要依靠增多的有效穗数;不同氮肥施用量对中浙优8号的有效穗数、每穗粒数的影响较大,对结实率和千粒重的影响较小,其中对有效穗数的影响最大。综合考虑产量水平、氮肥农学效率、经济效益等因素,中浙优8号在延平区种植的每667m^(2)最佳施氮量12 kg、实割产量587.2kg、经济效益比习惯施肥(即每667m^(2)纯氮用量8 kg)增加229.6元。
Yellow-mud paddy soil is main soil type in Yanping.Field experiment was conducted to explore the optimum quantity of nitrogen fertilizer of Zhongzheyou 8 in Yanping,Jianyang,the yield and agronomic traits were investigated with different nitrogen rate.Results showed that grain production increased with increasing nitrogen rate,and effective panicle number was the direct factor.nitrogen rate had great effect on panicle number and spikelet number,but little effect on seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight.The optimal amount application of nitrogen was 12 kg and obtained the grain production of 587 kg per 667m^(2),economic benefits was RMB 229.6yuan over than traditional nitrogen rate of 8 kg per 667m^(2).
KANG Shui-ying(Soil and Fertilizer Station of Yanping,Nanping,Fujian 353000)
Fujian Science and Technology of Rice and Wheat