This paper proposes a simplified analytical solution considering non-Darcian and wellbore storage effect to investigate the pumping flow in a confined aquifer with barrier and recharge boundaries.The mathematical modelling for the pumping-induced flow in aquifers with different boundaries is developed by employing image-well theory with the superposition principle,of which the non-Darcian effect is characterized by Izbash’s equation.The solutions are derived by Boltzmann and dimensionless transformations.Then,the non-Darcian effect and wellbore storage are especially investigated according to the proposed solution.The results show that the aquifer boundaries have non-negligible effects on pumping,and ignoring the wellbore storage can lead to an over-estimation of the drawdown in the first 10 minutes of pumping.The higher the degree of non-Darcian,the smaller the drawdown.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Numbers41807197, 2017YFC0405900, and 51469002)
the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi (Grant Numbers 2017GXNSFBA198087, 2018GXNSFAA138042, and GuiKeAB17195073)
Hebei Highlevel Talent Funding Project (B2018003016)。