
微通道反应器中油酸与低级醇的酯化反应研究 被引量:1

Esterification of Oleic Acid and Low Alcohol in Microchannel Reactor
摘要 本研究以高酸值油酸为原料,采用微通道反应器与0.38*12mm毛细管相连接,建立了快速酸催化制备生物柴油的微结构反应器。进行了油酸酯化反应,寻找合适的反应条件。考察了停留时间、醇酸摩尔比、催化剂浓度、反应温度对酯化反应的影响。在78℃条件下,油酸与低级醇反应停留时间仅为10 min,产率可达80%以上;与传统釜式反应器相比,微反应器减少了催化剂用量,缩短了反应时间,提高了反应过程中的安全性。此外,建立了均相动力学模型。确定了生物柴油的酯化反应的速率常数和活化参数。 In this study,a microstructured reactor for rapid acid-catalyzed preparation of biodiesel was established using high acid value oleic acid as raw material and a microchannel reactor connected to a 0.38*12 mm capillary tube. The oleic acid esterification reaction was carried out to find the suitable reaction conditions.The effects of residence time, alcohol-acid molar ratio, catalyst concentration and reaction temperature on the esterification reaction were investigated.Under the condition of 78 ℃, the residence time of fatty acid lower alcohol ester is only 10 min, and the yield can reach more than 80 %;compared with the traditional kettle reactor, the microreactor reduces the amount of catalyst, shortens the reaction time, and improves the safety in the reaction process.In addition, a homogeneous phase kinetic model was developed. The rate constants and activation parameters of the transesterification reaction of biodiesel were determined.
作者 马俊杰 文彬 Ma Junjie;Wen Bin(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Xinjiang Normal University,Urumqi 830054;Xinjiang Normal University,Urumqi 830054,China)
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2022年第21期91-95,共5页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
关键词 酯化 均相 生物柴油 动力学 微通道反应器 转化率 transesterification homogeneous phase biodiesel kinetics microchannel reactor conversion
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