

Accurately grasp several dimensions of the great building spirit of the Communist Party of China
摘要 伟大建党精神是百年来中国共产党人顽强斗争、接续奋斗的最佳精神写照,可以从理论、历史、现实、时代四个维度对这一中国共产党的精神之源加以认识和把握。从理论之维讲,马克思主义关于无产阶级建党的学说为中国共产党伟大建党精神的生成提供了理论滋养;从历史之维看,凸显救亡图存的坚韧抗争是伟大建党精神的历史根基和渊源;从现实之维讲,立足革命先驱建党的斗争实践是伟大建党精神的现实基础;从时代之维看,伟大建党精神蕴含着坚定信仰信念的红色基因和精神血脉。正确把握这四个基本维度,对在新的赶考路上传承和弘扬伟大建党精神具有重大现实意义。 The great party building spirit is the best spiritual portrayal of the tenacious and continuous struggle of the Chinese Communists over the past century.A deep understanding of this spiritual source of the Communist Party of China can be understood and grasped from the four dimensions of theory,history,reality and times.From the theoretical perspective,the Marxist theory on proletarian party building provides theoretical nourishment for the generation of the great party building spirit of the Communist Party of China.From the perspective of history,it is the historical foundation and origin of the great party building spirit to highlight the national salvation and survival.From the perspective of reality,the practice of the struggle to build the party of the revolutionary pioneers is the realistic foundation of the great party building spirit.From the perspective of the times,the great party building spirit contains the red gene and spiritual blood of firm faith.Correctly grasping these four basic dimensions is of great practical significance for us to inherit and carry forward the great party building spirit on the new road to the success.
作者 李仕波 LI Shibo(School of Marxism,Dongguan University of Technology,Dongguan 523808,China)
出处 《南京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第6期10-18,共9页 Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 东莞理工学院“十四五”规划哲学社会科学项目“准确把握中国共产党伟大建党精神的几个维度”(2021SK01)。
关键词 中国共产党 伟大建党精神 精神谱系 Communist Party of China great party building spirit spiritual genealogy
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