
消癥丸对乳腺增生大鼠性激素水平及抗氧化能力的影响 被引量:3

Effect of Xiaozheng Pills on Sex Hormone Levels and Antioxidant Capacity in Rats with Mammary Glands Hyperplasia
摘要 目的探讨消癥丸对乳腺增生大鼠性激素水平及抗氧化能力的影响。方法采用雌二醇和黄体酮干预雌性未孕大鼠诱导乳腺增生模型。阳性对照组予2 mg/kg他莫昔芬灌胃,低剂量治疗组予0.62 g/kg消癥丸灌胃,高剂量治疗组予2.48 g/kg消癥丸灌胃。测量各组大鼠乳头直径和高度,HE染色观察各组大鼠乳腺组织病理学表现。检测各组大鼠血清雌二醇(estradiol,E_(2))、孕酮(progesterone,P)、催乳素(prolactin,PRL)及超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(glutathione peroxidase,GSH-Px)水平。结果与模型对照组相比,高剂量治疗组大鼠乳头直径和高度显著降低(P<0.05),血清E_(2)、PRL、MDA水平显著降低(P<0.05),血清P、SOD、GSH-Px水平显著升高(P<0.05)。结论消癥丸可有效改善大鼠乳腺增生,其作用机制可能与调节性激素水平、增强抗氧化能力有关。 Objective To investigate the effect of Xiaozheng pills on sex hormone levels and antioxidant capacity in rats with mammary glands hyperplasia.Methods The model of mammary glands hyperplasia was induced by estradiol and progesterone in female nonpregnant rats.The positive control group were treated with 2 mg/kg tamoxifen intragastric administration,the low-dose treatment group were treated with 0.62 g/kg Xiaozheng pills,and the high-dose treatment group were treated with 2.48 g/kg Xiaozheng pills.Diameter and height of rat nipple were measured in each group,and mammary histopathological findings of each group were visualized by HE staining.Serum levels of estradiol(E_(2)),progesterone(P),prolactin(PRL),superoxide dismutase(SOD),malondialdehyde(MDA),and glutathione peroxidase(GSH-Px)in each group of rats were measured.Results Compared with the model control group,diameter and height of rat nipple in the high-dose treatment were significantly reduced(P<0.05),serum levels of E_(2),PRL,and MDA were significantly reduced(P<0.05),and serum levels of P,SOD,and GSH-Px were significantly increased(P<0.05).Conclusion Xiaozheng pills could significantly improve the mammary gland hyperplasia in rats,and its mechanism of action might be related to the regulation of sex hormone levels and enhance antioxidant capacity.
作者 姜珊 聂艳艳 张亚云 王佳 赵莹 JIANG Shan;NIE Yanyan;ZHANG Yayun;WANG Jia;ZHAO Ying(Department of Applied Technology,Shanghai Laboratory Animal Research Center,Shanghai 201210,China;Department of Research and development,Leiyunshang Pharmaceutical Group Co.,Ltd,Suzhou 215009,China)
出处 《中西医结合研究》 2022年第6期378-381,共4页 Research of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
关键词 消癥丸 乳腺增生 性激素 抗氧化 Xiaozheng pills mammary glands hyperplasia sex hormone antioxidation
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