
pH值敏感型食品新鲜度指示标签及其应用的研究进展 被引量:1

Advance in pH-Sensitive Food Freshness Indicator and Its Applications in Food Quality Monitoring
摘要 近年来,智能包装的研究受到巨大关注,pH值指示标签是新鲜度指示器中的一种,可以简单、高效、实时、直观地通过标签颜色变化反映食品的新鲜度,在食品供应链中有巨大的发展潜力。为了改善pH值指示标签的效果,研究者们开发了多种类型的pH值敏感色素和基体材料,以强化指示标签的显色强度,优化阻隔性、机械强度、稳定性及生物活性。本文从pH值敏感色素来源和基膜类型两方面分析pH值新鲜度指示膜的研究进展,并对当前研究面对的困难、挑战与未来研究趋势进行讨论,以期为pH值敏感型指示标签的研究和应用提供参考。 Recently,the research on intelligent packaging has gained great attention.The pH-sensitive indicator is a type of freshness indicator,which can alter its color as food quality decrease and effectively and directly reflect the freshness of food products showing enormous potential in the food supply chain.In order to enhance the color variation of pH-sensitive indicators,researchers found numerous pH-sensitive colorants and developed lots of matrix materials,which will improve the barrier performance,stability,and mechanical properties and bioactivity of pH-sensitive indicators.In this review,the latest developments in pH-sensitive freshness indicators are described from two perspectives:the sources of pH-sensitive pigment and the types of base film,and the current challenges and future research trends are discussed.Hopefully,this review will provide some valuable information for the research of pH-sensitive indicators.
作者 刘勇 李立 LIU Yong;LI Li(Engineering Research Center of Food Thermal-Processing Technology,College of Food Science and Technology,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China)
出处 《肉类研究》 2022年第11期52-59,共8页 Meat Research
基金 “十三五”国家重点研发计划“蓝色粮仓”项目(2020YFD0900905)。
关键词 新鲜度指示 智能包装 变色 pH值响应 生物基材料 freshness indicator intelligent packaging color change pH-sensitive biomaterial
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