

Language Work Policy in China’s Primary and Secondary School:Historical Perspective and Prospect
摘要 作为提升个体语言能力和发展语言文字事业的关键环节,中小学语言文字工作历来受到国家的高度重视。新中国成立以来,我国中小学语言文字工作政策相继经历了起步奠基期、渐进规范期、稳步发展期、深化拓展期四个阶段。运用多源流理论阐释中小学语言文字工作政策的变迁机理发现:现实问题的变化为政策变迁提供合理性,政治共识的形成为政策变迁营造良好的政治环境,政策共同体的建议为政策变迁奠定可行性,重要会议的召开为政策之窗的开启提供有利时机,政策企业家的助推为三流汇合提供动力支持。结合政策变迁的动态历程和语言文字事业发展的现实需要,新时代中小学语言文字工作政策应彰显对现实问题的密切观照,重视与国家战略的深度衔接,完善政策落实的机制建设。 As a key link in improving individual language ability and developing the language business, language work in primary and secondary schools has always been highly valued by the state. Since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, language work policies in primary and secondary schools have gone through four stages: the period of foundation, the period of gradual normalization, the period of steady development, and the period of deepening and expansion. Using multiple streams theory to explain the changing mechanism of language work policy in primary and secondary schools, we have found that: changes in realistic problems provide rationality for policy changes, the formation of political consensus creates a favorable political environment for policy changes, the recommendations of the policy community lay the groundwork for policy changes. The convening of important conferences provides a favorable opportunity for policy windows to open, and the boosting of policy entrepreneurs provides power support for the convergence of the three streams. Combining the dynamic history of policy change and the realistic needs of language development, the policy on language work in primary and secondary schools in the new era should highlight the close concern for real problems, pay attention to the deep connection with national strategies, and improve the mechanism construction for policy implementation.
作者 姚林群 王苏丫 YAO Linqun;WANG Suya(Minstry of Education,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079)
出处 《教育研究与实验》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期39-46,共8页 Educational Research and Experiment
基金 国家语言文字工作委员会“十三五”科研规划2020年度一般项目“面向基础教育的语言文字应用能力评价标准研究”(YB135-152)的研究成果。
关键词 中小学 语言文字工作政策 政策变迁 多源流理论 primary and secondary schools policies on language work policy changes multiple streams theory
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