
光周期和温湿度对烟蚜茧蜂寄生能力和繁殖的影响 被引量:4

Effects of photoperiod,temperature and humidity on the parasitic ability and reproduction of Aphidius gifuensis (Hymenoptera:Braconidae)
摘要 【目的】烟蚜茧蜂Aphidius gifuensis对烟蚜Myzus persicae有着极高的寄生率,而被广泛用于烟田防治烟蚜。但在人工扩繁烟蚜茧蜂过程中,环境因素对烟蚜茧蜂的生长发育有一定影响。本研究旨在明确光周期、湿度和温度对烟蚜茧蜂在烟蚜上寄生力的影响。【方法】在室内分别调查温度25℃、相对湿度70%与4个光周期(9L∶15D,12L∶12D, 14L∶10D和19L∶5D)组合条件下,温度25℃、光周期14L∶10D与4个相对湿度(65%, 70%, 75%和80%)条件下,以及相对湿度70%、光周期14L∶10D与4个温度(10℃, 15℃, 25℃和35℃)组合条件下,烟蚜茧蜂成蜂对烟蚜若蚜的寄生率及成蜂羽化率、寿命、性比(雌性占比)和后足胫节长度。【结果】结果表明光照时间过长或过短均会对烟蚜茧蜂的生长发育造成负面影响。在温度25℃和相对湿度70%时,光周期14L∶10D下烟蚜茧蜂成蜂的体型最大,其成蜂后足胫节最长,为0.439 mm;光周期为12L∶12D下烟蚜茧蜂成蜂的体型最小,后足胫节长度只有0.345 mm;光周期14L∶10D下烟蚜茧蜂成蜂对烟蚜若蚜的寄生率、寿命也最高,分别为42.61%和42.33 h。在温度25℃和光周期14L∶10D时,烟蚜茧蜂成蜂在烟蚜若蚜上的寄生率随着相对湿度的增加出现先升高后减小的变化情况,在相对湿度为75%下寄生率最高,达54.44%;在相对湿度为65%下寄生率最低,只有21.67%;相对湿度70%下烟蚜茧蜂成蜂的寿命和后足胫节最长,分别为42.33 h和0.439 mm;相对湿度75%下烟蚜茧蜂的寿命最短,只有20.42 h;相对湿度65%下烟蚜茧蜂成蜂的后足胫节最短,仅有0.373 mm。在相对湿度70%和光周期14L∶10D时,温度为25℃比低温为10℃和15℃更有利于烟蚜茧蜂成蜂的生长发育,其寄生率、雌性占比和后足胫节长度分别为42.61%, 39.04%和0.439 mm,均高于10℃和15℃下的值;而高温35℃则不利于烟蚜茧蜂成蜂在烟蚜若蚜上的寄生行为,并无僵蚜产生,甚至会使寄主烟蚜死亡。【结论】在温度25℃和相对湿度70%时,光周期为14L∶10D更有利于提高烟蚜茧蜂成蜂的寄生率、体型和寿命;在温度25℃和光周期14L∶10D时,相对湿度为75%更有利于提高烟蚜茧蜂成蜂的寄生率,相对湿度为70%条件更有利于烟蚜茧蜂寿命、体型的增加;在相对湿度70%和光周期14L∶10D时,温度为25℃更有利于烟蚜茧蜂寄生率、体型以及雌性占比的增加,而低温10℃条件更有利于烟蚜茧蜂的寿命的延长。本研究结果为田间大棚或者室内小棚等烟蚜茧蜂人工扩繁及其复壮提供了科学参考。 【Aim】 The parasitism rate of Aphidius gifuensis on Myzus persicae is quite high. Therefore, it is widely used for A. gifuensis to control M. persicae in tobacco. However, in the process of artificial propagation of A. gifuensis certain environmental factors may have influences on its growth and development. This study aims to make clear of the effects of photoperiod, humidity and temperature on the parasitism of A. gifuensis on M. persicae. 【Methods】 The parasitism rates on M. persicae nymphs and the emergence rates, longevity, sex ratios(proportions of females) and metathoracic tibial lengths of A. gifuensis adults under the conditions of the temperature of 25℃ and the relative humidity of 70% combined with four photoperiods(9 L∶15 D, 12 L∶12 D, 14 L∶10 D and 19 L∶5 D), under the conditions of the temperature of 25℃ and the photoperiod of 14 L∶10 D combined with four relative humidity levels(65%, 70%, 75% and 80%), and under the conditions of the relative humidity of 70% and the photoperiod of 14 L∶10 D combined with four temperatures(10℃, 15℃, 25℃ and 35℃), respectively, were investigated in the laboratory. 【Results】 The results showed that the growth and development of A. gifuensis were negatively affected by too long or too short photophase. Under the temperature of 25℃ and the relative humidity of 70%, the body size of A. gifuensis adults under the photoperiod of 14 L∶10 D was the largest, with their metathoracic tibial length under this photoperiod the longest(0.439 mm), while their body size under the photoperiod of 12 L∶12 D was the smallest, with their metathoracic tibial length the shortest(0.345 mm). Under the temperature of 25℃ and the relative humidity of 70%, A. gifuensis adults under the photoperiod of 14 L∶10 D had the highest parasitism rate and longevity on M. persicae nymphs, which were 42.61% and 42.33 h, respectively. Under the temperature of 25℃ and the photoperiod of 14 L∶10 D, the parasitism rates of A. gifuensis adults on M. persicae nymphs increased at first and then decreased with the increase of relative humidity. Under the temperature of 25℃ and the photoperiod of 14 L∶10 D, the parasitism rate of A. gifuensis adults on M. persicae nymphs under the relative humidity of 75% was the highest(54.44%), while that under the relative humidity of 65% was the lowest(only 21.67%), the longevity and metathoracic tibial length of A. gifuensis adults under the relative humidity of 70% were the longest(42.33 h and 0.439 mm, respectively), while their longevity under the relative humidity of 75% was the shortest(only 20.42 h), and their metathoracic tibial length under the relative humidity of 65% was the smallest(only 0.373 mm). Under the relative humidity of 70% and the photoperiod of 14 L∶10 D, the temperature of 25℃ was more beneficial to the growth and development of A. gifuensis adults than 10℃ or 15℃, and the parasitism rate of A. gifuensis adults on M. persicae nymphs, and the proportion of females and metathoracic tibial length of A. gifuensis adults at 25℃ were 42.61%, 39.04% and 0.439 mm, respectively, higher than those at 10℃ and 15℃. However, the high temperature of 35℃ was not conducive to the parasitic behavior of A. gifuensis adults on M. persicae nymphs: Under this high temperature, no mummy aphid was found, and even the host aphids were all killed. 【Conclusion】 Under the temperature of 25℃ and the relative humidity of 70%, the photoperiod of 14 L∶10 D is more beneficial to improve the parasitism rate, body size and longevity of A. gifuensis adults. Under the temperature of 25℃ and the photoperiod of 14 L∶10 D, the humidity of 75% is more beneficial to improve the parasitism rate of A. gifuensis adults, while the humidity of 70% is more beneficial to the increase of their longevity and body size. Under the photoperiod of 14 L∶10 D and the relative humidity of 70%, the temperature of 25℃ is more conducive to the increase of their parasitism rate, body size and proportion of females, while the low temperature of 10℃ is more beneficial to prolong their longevity. The results of this study provide scientific references for the artificial propagation and rejuvenation of A. gifuensis in field greenhouses or indoor sheds.
作者 吴珂珂 顾钢 赖荣泉 周挺 韩梦 WU Ke-Ke;GU Gang;LAI Rong-Quan;ZHOU Ting;HAN Meng(State Key Laboratory of Ecological Pest Control for Fujian and Taiwan Crops,College of Plant Protection,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002,China;Fujian Institute of Tobacco Science,Fuzhou 350003,China)
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期1488-1497,共10页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
基金 福建省自然科学基金面上项目(2017 J01617,2020 J01523) 中国烟草总公司福建省公司项目(2021350000240017,2022350000240069) 福建农林大学科技创新基金项目(CXZX2020013A) 中国国家留学基金项目(202008350060)。
关键词 烟蚜茧蜂 光周期 湿度 温度 寄生力 寿命 Aphidius gifuensis photoperiod humidity temperature parasitic ability longevity
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