
西安市农村居民点时空演化特征及影响因素 被引量:2

Spatio-temporal evolution and optimization countermeasures of rural residential areas of Xi’an
摘要 从西安市农村居民点的时空演变分析入手,通过分析西安市2010年、2015年和2020年的土地利用状况,提取西安市农村居民点分布图,分析了影响西安市农村居民点演化的相关因素,提出了农村居民点布局优化的对策。研究结果表明:西安市农村居民点呈现出由城市中心向外围扩散和由西北向东南迁移的趋势,而且数量增多、不断集聚;距离主城区的位置对农村居民点的分布具有影响,近年来农村居民点呈现向中长距离集中分布的趋势,城镇化率和经济发展水平与农村居民点的演化存在闭环循环促进机制,常住人口和人口密度的增加促进西安市农村居民点面积的增加,行政区划的变革,尤其是自然村和社区数量的变化,使得西安市农村居民点呈现出明显的集聚变化。据此提出强化集聚、改变经济理念和加强耕地保护的西安市农村居民点布局优化等对策建议。 Based on the temporal and spatial evolution of rural residential areas in Xi’an, this paper analyzes the land use status of Xi’an in 2010, 2015 and 2020, extracts the distribution map of rural residential areas in Xi’an, and analyzes the influence on the evolution of rural residential areas in Xi’an. Related factors, put forward countermeasures to optimize the layout of rural residential areas. The results show that rural residential areas in Xi’an show a trend of spreading from the urban center to the periphery and migrating from the northwest to the southeast, and the number has increased and continued to congregate;the location from the main urban area has an impact on the distribution of rural residential areas.In recent years, rural areas Residential areas tend to be concentrated in the middle and long distances(20-60 km). The urbanization rate and economic development level and the evolution of rural residential areas have a closed-loop promotion mechanism. The increase in permanent population and population density promotes rural residential areas in Xi’an. The increase in area and the changes in administrative divisions(especially the changes in the number of natural villages and communities) have made rural settlements in Xi’an show obvious changes in agglomeration. This paper proposes countermeasures to optimize the layout of rural residential areas in Xi’an, which will strengthen agglomeration, change economic concepts, and strengthen cultivated land protection.
作者 李晨曦 吴靖瑶 王向阳 LI Chenxi;WU Jingyao;WANG Xiangyang(State Key Laboratory of Green Building in Western China,Shaanxi Xi’an 710055,China;School of Public Administration,Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,Shaanxi Xi’an 710055,China;Shaanxi Institute of Geological Survey,Shaanxi Xi’an 710054,China;Shaanxi Mineral Resources and Geological Survey,Shaanxi Xi’an 710068,China)
出处 《上海国土资源》 2022年第4期73-78,共6页 Shanghai Land & Resources
基金 陕西省社会科学基金项目(2020R051) 陕西省哲学社会科学重大理论与现实问题研究项目(2022ND0429) 陕西省教育厅科学研究计划重点项目(22JT019) 西部绿色建筑国家重点实验室研究课题(LSZZ202015) 西安市社科规划基金项目(22JX72)。
关键词 农村居民点 时空演变 影响因素 优化对策 rural residential area temporal and spatial evolution influencing factors optimization countermeasures
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