3GAO. 2011. Southwest Border: Border Patrol Operations on Federal Lands, Washington DC No: GAO-11-573T.
4GAO. 2011. Refugee Assistance: Little Is Known about the Effectiveness of Different Approaches for Improving Refugees' Employment Outcomes, Washington DC No: GAO-11-573T.
5GAO. 2010. STRATEGIC PLAN 2010-2015.
6GAO. 2010. Recovery Act: Opportunities to Improve Management and Strengthen Accountability over States' and Localities' Uses of Funds. Washington DC No: GAO-10-999.
7GAO. 2010. Recovery Act: Further Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Oversight of Broadband Stimulus Programs. Washington DC No: GAO-10-823.
8GAO. 2010. Recovery Act: States' and Localities' Current and Planned Uses of Funds While Facing Fiscal Stresses. Washington DC No: GAO-09-831T.
9GAO, 2009. No Child Left Behind Act: Enhancements in the Department of Education's Review Process Could Improve State Academic assessments, Washington DC. No: GAO-09-911.
10GAO. 2007. Small Business Innovation Research: Agencies Need to Strengthen Efforts to Improve the Completeness, Consistency, and Accuracy of Awards Data, Washington DC. No: GAO-07-38.