2Chapter I: A historical perspective on the development of counseling psychology as a profession,3-55.Handbook of counseling psychology, Steven D.Brown; Robert W.Lent, A wiley-interscience Publication, 1984.
3Vivian Boyd, Ph.D.,Etc.,Accreditation Standards for University and College Counseling Center, Revised April,2000, International Association of Counseling Services, Inc [EB/OL].[2010-07-20]. http://www.iacsinc.org/iacsmem.html.
4Robert P.Gallagher, National survey of counseling center directors 2007[EB/OL].(2008).[2010-07-23] .http://www.ed ucation.pitt.edu/.
5Robert P.Gallagher, National survey of counseling center directors 2008[EB/OL].(2009).[2010-07-20]. http://www.iacsinc.org/iacsmem.html.