

“Inner Sage and Outer King”:The Confucian Way of The Art of War
摘要 博大精深的《孙子兵法》,以独到的兵家视角,深刻诠释了战争的基本规律,它所遵循的“仁义”“厚德”“爱民”等观念也是“内圣外王”思想的体现,可谓文武之道,相得益彰,凸显了孙子兵学的思想价值和道德品位。 The broad and profound The Art of War deeply interprets the basic laws of war from a unique strategist perspective.The concepts of“benevolence and righteousness”,“honest virtue”and“loving the people”are also the embodiment of the idea of“inner sage and outer king”.It can be described as the way of civil and military,which complements each other,and highlights the ideological value and moral taste of Sun Zi’s military science.
作者 张向阳 Zhang Xiangyang
机构地区 齐鲁晚报
出处 《孙子研究》 2022年第5期46-51,共6页 Sunzi Studies
关键词 孙子兵法 儒学之道 内圣外王 The Art of War The Way of Confucianism Inner Sage and Outer King
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