
何以破解特困地区合作社的集体行动困境——基于社会资本视阈的多案例分析 被引量:21

How to Solve the Collective Action Dilemma of Cooperatives in Poverty-stricken Areas:Multi-case Analysis Based on the Perspective of Social Capital
摘要 合作社根植于农村地缘性的社会网络,网络中的利益相关者依赖最多的便是社会资本。本文突破现有文献的研究局限,基于社会资本理论,通过对贵州省集中连片特困地区三家合作社案例的比较分析,考察了合作社社会资本对社员参与集体行动效率的影响。研究发现,社会资本所蕴含的关系网络和社会规范促动合作社产生了高水平的稳定性信任,能有效化解社员“合而不作”的动机,避免合作社集体行动困境的产生;社会网络是合作社实现“里应外合”的特殊资源,不同的网络关系强度和网络结构特征催生出不同状态的信任供给;高质量的正式制度可以维系网络关系产生的信任,并协同非正式规范对社员的制度信任观起到强化作用;制度的有效执行可进一步拓宽社员的网络边界,促进合作社的社会信任实现稳中有增;合作社积极参与乡村公共事务,增加对社员的人文关怀,有助于合作社信任半径的延伸和凝聚力的增强。为此,政府部门要明确自身“真帮扶、严督导”的角色定位,一方面帮助合作社进行外部网络拓展,另一方面要加强对合作社的监测评价。合作社则在完善并高效执行制度的同时,注重发挥在乡村治理中的重要作用,努力营造良好的共情环境。 Cooperatives are rooted in the rural geo-social network,and the stakeholders in the network depend most on social capital.Based on the theory of social capital,this paper breaks through the limitations of existing literature and studies the effect of social capital on members’participation in collective action by comparing and analyzing the cases of three breeding cooperatives in contiguous poverty-stricken areas in Guizhou Province.The results show that the relationship network and social norms embodied in social capital motivate cooperatives to produce a high level of stable trust,which can effectively dissolve members’motivation of“cooperation but not action”and avoid the emergence of collective action dilemma of cooperatives.Social network is a special resource for cooperatives to realize“internal and external cooperation”.Different strength of network relationship and characteristics of network structure give rise to different state of trust supply.High quality formal institutions can maintain the trust generated by network relationships,and cooperate with informal norms to strengthen the institutional trust view of members.Effective implementation of the institutions can further broaden the network boundaries of members and promote the social trust of cooperatives to achieve stability and increase.Cooperatives actively participate in rural public affairs and increase humanistic care for members,which is conducive to the extension of cooperative trust radius and the enhancement of cohesion.To this end,the government departments should clarify their role positioning of“true support and strict supervision”.On the one hand,they should help cooperatives expand the external network,on the other hand,they should strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of cooperatives.While improving and effectively implementing the institutions,cooperatives pay attention to play an important role in ruralgovernance and strive to create a good empathic environment.
作者 张正岩 王志刚 孙文策 宁兆硕 ZHANG Zhengyan;WANG Zhigang;SUN Wence;NING Zhaoshuo
出处 《农业经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第11期77-96,共20页 Issues in Agricultural Economy
基金 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目“基于目标导向的新型农业支持保护政策研究”(编号:71841010) 国家社科基金一般项目“东北地区粮食生产安全的耕地生态保障与对策研究”(编号:20BJY149) 中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院学生科研训练计划项目(编号:2021A4)。
关键词 特困地区 合作社 社会资本 集体行动困境 Digital economy Urban-rural integration Social reproduction Governance digitization
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