
中非经贸合作高质量发展的难点与突破——基于企业问卷调查的分析 被引量:4

Difficulties and Countermeasures of High Quality Development in China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation:Based on Questionnaire Survey of Enterprises
摘要 中非合作论坛成立以来,中非经贸合作加速发展,中企对非洲合作深度广度不断拓展,已成为中非关系的“压舱石”和“推进器”。在百年未有之大变局背景下,加上大国博弈因素和新冠肺炎疫情的冲击,需探讨新形势下务实推进中非经贸合作的新路径。以“中国企业对非经贸合作面临的问题及障碍”为主题的线上问卷调查表明:在贸易领域,参与对非贸易的中企数量近年增速较快,但单个贸易企业对非贸易规模不大,对外承包工程出口货物是重要的对非贸易方式;在投资领域,中企对非投资起步晚但发展快,投资领域稳中有变,大多采用独资模式,以非洲本地为主要目标市场;在工程承包领域,中企在非合作历史较长,主要承建建筑类、交通设施和能源类工程,项目资金来源以东道国财政资金和国际组织资金为主,以总承包和带资承建为主要合作模式。在对非合作深入推进的同时,中企也面临政治风险、安全问题、外汇管制、资金短缺和融资困难、营商环境较差、劳工问题等诸多挑战和障碍。鉴此,中方应从加强顶层设计入手,构建起促进对非经贸合作的安全保护、金融支持、信息服务、引导规范等政策体系与服务支撑体系,以实现中非合作论坛框架下中非经贸合作的高质量、可持续发展。 Since the establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation(FOCAC),China-Africa economic and trade cooperation has made great achievements,and Chinese enterprises have greatly developed their cooperation with Africa as well,which have become an anchor and a booster for China-Africa relations.Meanwhile,with the world undergoing profound changes unseen in a century,mixed with big-power game and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic,it is urgent to explore a new path to practically promote China-Africa economic and trade cooperation under this new situation.The online questionnaire survey by the research team with the theme of“challenges faced by Chinese enterprises engaged in economic and trade cooperation with Africa”reflects the following findings.In the field of trade,the number of Chinese enterprises involved in trade with Africa has been growing fast in recent years,but the trade scale between individual enterprises and Africa is not large,and exporting goods for foreign contracted engineering projects is an important way of trade with Africa.In the field of investment,Chinese enterprises’investment in Africa started late but developed fast,and the investment field keeps steady with new changes;most Chinese investment enterprises in Africa take the form of sole proprietorship,with Africa as the main target market.In the field of contracted engineering,Chinese enterprises have a long history of cooperation in Africa,mainly undertaking construction,transportation facilities and energy projects,with the financial resources from the host country and international organizations as the main sources of funding.With Chinese enterprises further extending their cooperation with Africa,they are also facing more diversified challenges,including political security risks,capital shortage and financing difficulties,poor business environment,labor issues,etc.Based on the problems reflected by the questionnaire,this paper argues that a systematic policy and service support system should be built to promote economic and trade cooperation with Africa,including security protection,financial support,information services and guidance and regulation,starting from strengthening top-level design,so as to promote high-quality and sustainable development of China-Africa economic and trade cooperation under the framework of FOCAC.
作者 商务部研究院西亚与非洲研究所课题组 毛小菁 The Research Team from CAITEC
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期74-93,158,159,共22页 West Asia and Africa
关键词 中非经贸合作 中非合作论坛 贸易 投资 工程承包 高质量发展 China-Africa economic and trade cooperation FOCAC trade investment contracted engineering high quality development
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