

Rapid Identification of American Ginseng Originated from Varied Places Based on Heracles Ultra-fast Gas Phase Electronic Nose
摘要 目的:应用Heracles超快速气相电子鼻技术建立不同产地西洋参基于气味差异的快速、有效鉴别方法。方法:采用Heracles超快速气相电子鼻对不同产地西洋参气味进行分析,获得西洋参样品的气味色谱信息,筛选色谱峰分离强度及区别能力强的色谱峰,结合Kovats保留指数及Arochembase数据库内容,对不同产地西洋参主要气味差异性化合物进行定性,通过主要差异化合物的气味阈值和相对含量,根据相对气味活度值(ROAV)分析主要差异化合物对西洋参气味的贡献程度大小,并进行PCA、DFA化学计量学模型分析。结果:通过Heracles超快速气相电子鼻从不同产地西洋参中筛选出丙醛、正戊醛、正己醛等13种主要差异化合物。通过对主要差异化合物的ROAV分析,确定正己醛、丙醛、十二醛、正戊醛、2,3,5-三甲基吡嗪、丁酸甲酯、2-庚醇7个主要差异化合物是对西洋参气味贡献较大的气味物质,其中正己醛是对西洋参气味贡献最大的关键气味化合物,正己醛、正戊醛、2,3,5-三甲基吡嗪、2-庚醇在美国产西洋参中含量最高;丙醛、丁酸甲酯在加拿大产西洋参中含量最高;十二醛在吉林产西洋参中含量最高。建立了PCA、DFA化学计量模型,PCA模型的识别指数为88,DFA模型的判别因子累计区分指数为100%,说明PCA、DFA模型均能较好地区分不同产地西洋参气味,能够对西洋参样品气味进行鉴别分析。结论:Heracles超快速气相电子鼻能够快速、有效地区别不同产地西洋参,为西洋参产地溯源提供了新的科学依据。 Objective:Heracles ultra-fast gas phase electronic nose was applied to establish a quick and effective differentiation method for American ginseng originated from varied places on the basis of different smell.Methods:Heracles ultra-fast gas phase electronic nose was used to analyze the smell of American ginseng originated from varied places and acquired chromatographic information of smell of sample American ginseng.The chromatographic peaks with strong separation intensity and discrimination ability were screened.Based on Kovats retention index and Arochembase database,the main odorant compounds of American ginseng from different producing areas were characterized.According to the relative odor activity value(ROAV),the contribution degree of the main difference compounds to the odor of American ginseng was analyzed by the odor threshold and relative content of the main difference compounds.PCA and DFA stoichiometry models were used for analysis.Results:Thirteen major differential compounds including propana-ldehyde,n-valyl aldehyde and n-hexanal were screened out from ginseng of different origin by Heracles ultra-fast gas-phase electronic nose.Through the ROAV analysis of the main difference compounds,it was determined that n-hexal,propionic aldehyde,dodecal,n-valyl aldehyde,2,3,5-trimethylpyrazine,methyl butyrate,2-heptanol were the odor substances that contributed more to the odor of American ginseng.Among them,n-hexal was the key odor compounds that contributed the most to the odor of American ginseng.The contents of n-hexal,n-valental,2,3,5-trimethylpyrazine and 2-heptanol were the highest in American ginseng from American.The contents of propionic aldehyde and methyl butyrate were the highest in American ginseng from Canadian.The content of dodecal was the highest in American ginseng from Jilin.PCA and DFA stoichiometric models were established.The recognition index of PCA model was 88.The cumulative discrimination index of DFA model was 100%.It was indicated that both PCA and DFA models could distinguish the odors of American ginseng from different producing areas,which could identify and analyze the odors of American ginseng samples.Conclusion:Heracles ultra-fast gas-phase electronic nose can quickly and effectively distinguish ginseng from different origin.This provides a new scientific basis for tracing the origin of ginseng.
作者 查圣华 王俊亮 周舒扬 姜水红 张宏 ZHA Shenghua;WANG Junliang;ZHOU Shuyang;JIANG Shuihong;ZHANG Hong(The R&D Center of Beijing Tong Ren Tang Health-Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100085,China)
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第1期284-291,共8页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 北京市国资委高精尖项目。
关键词 西洋参 电子鼻 气味差异 快速鉴别 不同产地 American ginseng electronic nose smell difference rapid identification varied origins
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