
乡村人才振兴政策执行因何遇阻?——基于修正后的模糊—冲突模型解释 被引量:6

Why is the implementation of the rural talent revitalization policy hindered?——Interpretation based on the modified fuzzy-conflict model
摘要 乡村人才振兴是实施乡村振兴战略、推进农业农村现代化的关键所在。然而,乡村人才振兴政策的实际执行效果似乎与预期不符,政策执行部分呈“梗阻”特征。通过构建政策模糊性与冲突性的测量指标,根据政策文本流变对政策执行过程的整体呈现分析政策执行遇阻的原因何在。分析发现:乡村人才振兴政策在自上而下的文本流变中,政策模糊性递进下降、冲突性递进上升,流转至县级政府时表现为政策模糊性降低而冲突性升高。逐层清晰的政策内容和层层施压的传导体制促使政策执行任务集中于县级政府,造成执行压力下沉,继而导致乡村人才振兴政策执行遇阻。后续的政策调整应致力促进政策执行类型的积极转化和分解县级政府的政策执行压力,助推乡村人才振兴工作更好更快向前发展。 The revitalization of rural talents is the key to the implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization and the promotion of agricultural and rural modernization.However,after more than 20 years of development,the quantity and quality of rural talent development are relatively declining.The imbalance of talent development between urban and rural areas has not been solved,and the basic needs for various types of talents to support the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy have not been met.At present,the implementation of the rural talent revitalization policy is characterized by “obstruction”.This study takes the relevant policies issued by the central government to promote the development of rural talent revitalization since the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy was clearly proposed as the raw materials and the rural talent revitalization policies were issued by local governments at all levels as the data samples.The magic weapon of Peking University and others finds 31 published provincial government policy texts(excluding Taiwan,Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macao Special Administrative Region),35 municipal government texts,and 23 county-level policy texts as research samples,and a total of 89 policy texts provide data sources for subsequent analysis.Through the construction of measurement indicators of policy fuzziness and conflict,according to the overall presentation of the policy implementation process by the evolution of the policy text,this paper analyzes the reason why the policy implementation is blocked.The research finds that the policy of rural talent revitalization has a gradual decline in fuzziness and a gradual increase in conflict in the top-down text evolution.When it is transferred to the county government,it is shown as a conflict policy with reduced fuzziness and increased conflict.The gradually clear policy content and the transmission system of layer upon layer of pressure promote the policy implementation task to focus on the county government,causing the implementation pressure to sink.From the perspective of the fuzzy conflict theory model,the rural talent revitalization policy tends to be implemented politically,and the policy obstacles are manifested in the wrong incentive mechanism,the imbalance of the regulatory system,the deposition of implementation pressure and the diversity of implementation results.The county-level government will adopt a simplified implementation strategy to cope with the geographical disadvantage and resource constraints,focusing on the production of policy output data.As implementers of the rural talent revitalization policy,local governments at all levels should put the policy content into action,but the pressure system of hierarchical control and the clear policy plan level-by-level make the county-level government become the actual executor of the policy.The municipal government fails to effectively share the implementation task and pressure of the rural talent revitalization policy,resulting in poor performance in policy implementation,which then leads to the implementation of the rural talent revitalization policy blocked.The subsequent policy adjustment should be committed to promoting the transformation of the type of policy implementation and breaking down the policy implementation pressure of the county government,so as to promote the better and faster development of rural talent revitalization.On the one hand,we should improve the policy system to reduce the conflict of the rural talent revitalization policy to achieve the positive transformation of the policy implementation type.On the other hand,it is necessary to build a linkage mechanism among provincial,municipal and county governments,and decompose the policy implementation pressure of county governments with the financial support and resource advantages of provincial and municipal governments.
作者 张贵群 张旭 ZHANG Guiqun;ZHANG Xu(Teaching and Research Department of Public Administration,Party School of Chongqing Municipal Committee of CPC,Chongqing 400041,China;Teaching and Research Office of Economics and Administration,Party School of Changdu Committee of CPC,Changdu 854078,China)
出处 《重庆理工大学学报(社会科学)》 2022年第12期137-151,共15页 Journal of Chongqing University of Technology(Social Science)
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“城市老旧社区公共安全协同治理机制研究”(20BZZ051)。
关键词 乡村人才振兴 政策执行 模糊—冲突模型 基层政府 模糊性 revitalization of rural talents policy implementation fuzzy-conflict model grass roots government fuzziness
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