
创新驱动发展、创新范式和创新科学的兴起 被引量:9

Innovation-driven Development,Innovation Paradigm and the Rise of Innovation Science
摘要 创新理论研究自1912年至今已历经百余年,经国内外创新研究学者的努力,已逐渐形成跨学科、跨领域、系统性的知识体系,为全球各国经济与社会发展提供重要的、关键性的理论支撑,成为社会科学一支重要的理论流派。当下全球化竞争越发激烈,国际冲突、地缘政治等问题接连涌现,新发展格局下创新驱动发展战略的实施需要更具系统观的创新体系,需要创新理论体系的不断完善,并形成独立的创新科学。基于库恩的“科学共同体—范式—科学”的科学哲学框架,根据代表学者的研究成果,按照熊彼特创新范式、新熊彼特创新范式和后熊彼特创新范式的框架,梳理创新研究的知识体系,分析范式的演变和具体特征,并构建创新科学的基本概念图,为创新科学的体系化构建并最终形成创新科学提供研究基础。 The research on innovation theory has gone through more than a hundred years since 1912.With the efforts of numerous researchers,it has gradually formed an interdisciplinary,and systematic knowledge,which provides significant theoretical support for the economic and social development of countries all over the world,becoming an important theoretical school of social science.Because of the increasingly fierce global competition,emerging international conflicts,and geopolitical issues,the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy under the new development paradigm develops a more systematic innovation system and constantly improves this system,so as to form the innovation science(IS).On the basis of summarizing the existing literature reviews of innovation theory,this paper conducts innovative research on IS based on Kuhn's philosophy of science,which put forward the framework of"scientific community-paradigm-science".Firstly,Based on the former's outstanding researches,this paper analyzes the relationship among these scholars'researches,sorts out the scientific schools and draws the research context diagram to reflect the relationship of scholars in the field of innovation studies.Secondly,this paper identifies three paradigms of IS(i.e.Schumpeterian innovation paradigm,Neo-Schumpeterian innovation paradigm and Post-Schumpeterian innovation paradigm)based on the research commonality of the scientific communities.This paper expounds the connotation of three paradigms by elaborating and analyzing the research focus,progress and research achievements.Correspondingly,it compares the historical background,innovation role,innovation and governance mode of each paradigm,to present the evolution rule of IS.Finally,the theoretical map of IS is constructed based on the above analysis,which contains the evolution of innovation paradigms and multiple disciplies.The latter shows that more and more disclines need to be integrated with the increasing complexity of innovation,and present a scene of edge crossover and systematic integration of IS.The main contribution of this paper are introducing the analytical framework of Kuhn's philosophy of science into the field of innovation research and establishing a systematic framework IS,as well as providing a theoretical map of IS which is benefit for the theory foundation of IS.
作者 陈劲 李根祎 Chen Jin;Li Genyi(School of Economics and Management,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China)
出处 《创新科技》 2022年第12期1-12,共12页 Innovation science and technology
基金 清华大学自主科研计划项目“中国情境下颠覆性技术创新模式研究”(2019THZWYX10)。
关键词 创新驱动发展 创新范式 创新科学 innovation-driven development innovation paradigm innovation science
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